An Election in Tryker

Homins, i bring you Roggan's speech:

"I stand before you today to call forth those who call the lakes home. For it falls upon the Homins of the lakes to decide in election our new Governor.

I, Roggan Agdan, Herald of the Government do declare that:

In the name of our forefathers and foremothers and the blessing of Jena,

I shall be the Electoral Officer to uphold the Constitution, law and traditions in the conduct of this election.

I will ensure fairness and freedom in the Election.

I will inform the Homins of the lakes the truth of the votes.

I will honour the decision of the people.

Here are the Criteria for electing a new governor as laid down in the Tryker Constitution:

Article 10

10.1. The Governor must be Tryker born.

10.2. No Homin shall be Governor who has not been a citizen of “New Trykoth” since “the Exodus”.

10.3. Trykers who wish to become Governor are required to be either a member of the current “High Council” or the current National Assembly.

Article 11

11.1. Every Tryker born shall be allowed to take part in the elections for the Governor.

11.2. Every Tryker citizens with at least two Jena years of citizenship shall be allowed to take part in the elections for the Governor.

11.3. Everyone who wishes to vote in the election for the new Governor has to show a minimum of experience in his or her education [level 50].

Article 12

The Governor shall fulfil his duty for lifetime, until he or she decides to retire or until he or she is divested by the National Assembly.

The list of Candidates shall be closed and made public on Saturday 13th of May.

The following Day, Sunday 14th of May each candidate shall present themselves to the People. They shall state that they will stand as a candidate in the election of Governor and will introduce themselves and their manifesto. These shall be made public for all to examine.

Seven days later, on Sunday 21st May shall be the first Polling. The two candidates who gain the most votes shall go forth to the final vote; the others will be eliminated from the election.

All people voting will be checked by the electoral officer before casting a vote.

Six further days later shall be the second and final Polling between the two remaining candidates, using the same procedure. The one who gains the most votes shall be declared the new Governor and charged with forming a new government of the people, for the people.

May the best Tryker win."
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