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The documents of this section present some features that are currently in game. They were written while in development or are items coming from the "Now in Test" section. Please note that some of the features described below may have been fine tuned since then.
Ring: "auto-invite" by Marjo — Creation Date : 26-10-2006 - Last Modified : 26-10-2006
We're adding an option in the "Listing Options" window (when you click on the Ring icon to put your scenario online, this window opens and shows several options that allows you to choose who can enter). This "auto-invite" option should allow you to accept automatically anyone who enters your adventure and who matches your various criterions.
Ryzom Ring by Xavier Antoviaque — Creation Date : 23-08-2006 - Last Modified : 23-08-2006
R² is fundamentally about "giving power to the players to shape the game and play the way that they want to play". In a nutshell, we are developing tools for our players to use to create and animate their own areas within the game. With the introduction of these areas, we will modify the way that the core of the game is put together, introducing the possibility for characters from different shards to assemble and play together in player maps and event areas. This will of course bring a new dimension to Ryzom's events and story development.
Characters' Names & Multishard Architecture by Marjo — Creation Date : 08-06-2006 - Last Modified : 26-09-2006
After we spoke about the architecture change some time ago, you raised the issue of the existence of a same name on several servers. For instance, what would happen if two characters having the same name, one from Leanon and the other from Aniro, met in a Ring scenario?
NPC checking if you have enough room to carry rewards by Marjo — Creation Date : 14-08-2006 - Last Modified : 14-08-2006
When you finish a mission providing a reward (only the RoS missions), the NPC currently gives you a reward that appears in a temporary inventory. But if you don't have room in your bag, you can't take it and it may not end up in your inventory. We're planning to make the NPC automatically check if you have enough room in your bag. If you don't, then an additional mission step appears asking you to talk again to the NPC when you have more room in your bag. Once you're ready and come back to the NPC, this time the temporary inventory will open with the reward in it.
Temporary inventory window bug by Marjo — Creation Date : 14-08-2006 - Last Modified : 14-08-2006
A fix correcting the temporary inventory window (which is closing unexpectedly when you make certain actions, such as foraging) is currently in the pipe. The behaviour of this window should be back as before, except that if you die or is disconnected from the game, the mats that were in the window are automatically put into your bag if you have enough room (at the moment, you lose the content of this window).
New Player Experience (NPE) by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 15-06-2006
We are currently working on improving the first experience a newcomer gets from the game. To summarize, the current "newbie land" system made of 4 separate islands, is completely changed and replaced by a unique island; and, the new players should also be able to find more help through new missions that will guide their first steps on Atys regarding the gameplay and the lore basics.
Interface Document Updated by Marjo — Creation Date : 23-02-2006 - Last Modified : 16-11-2006
As the devs are still working on improving the interface, some changes have been made since I posted the document presenting the improvements two weeks ago.
Outpost Crafting Tool by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 15-06-2006
The Outpost crafting tool effect allowing to add an energy bonus of +20 on a crafted item will be slightly changed.
Combat Stanza by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 15-06-2006
A new combat Stanza is introduced: “credit wear out weapon”. This credit is available from level 25 and upgrades each 50 levels for melee and range fight. Its effect is to deteriorate your weapon when you use it (note: you won’t be able to cycle it, to avoid deteriorating your weapon by mistake).
Interface by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 15-06-2006
• A shortcut will be added to switch between parry and dodge mode (SHIFT+D). • On the compass: the distance to a selected flag should be displayed on the left of the text, and aligned to the left of the compass window. When the text is too long, you should be able to see it entirely when hovering with the mouse over it.
Landmarks by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 15-06-2006
An option is added to allow you to add precise landmarks at the location of your character.
Emotes by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 05-01-2007
Gender differentiation added.
Miscellaneous Bugfixes by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 15-06-2006
In a nutshell, fixes are made on the position of team members on the map, actions on guild members, jewels magic protections, undetermined status and the missile of the launcher.
Crafting and Mektoub Packers by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 15-06-2006
Currently, when you have mektoubs in different stables, and you're standing next to any stable on Atys, you can craft materials coming from all your packers resting in stables.
Ruins of Silan - Deployment Progression Page by Xavier Antoviaque — Creation Date : 09-06-2006 - Last Modified : 15-06-2006
The Ruins of Silan, a major update of the Ryzom new player experience, is currently being patched on the live servers. As part of this update, we're also deploying a new server architecture, which paths the way for the upcoming Ryzom expansion, the Ryzom Ring. This is an important change, and we are thus closing the Ryzom shards for 4 days to complete it. While we are doing this, we have setup this special page to let you know where we are at, and what remains to be done.
New Animations by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 02-06-2006
We have implemented a temporary option allowing you to see the new animations in-game, and try it yourself. This way, it will be easier for those of you who haven't access to the ATS to get a real feeling of the new animations and experience them for a while.
3D Engine - Bloom Effect by Marjo — Creation Date : 22-11-2006 - Last Modified : 14-02-2007
We want to add a bloom effect to the game. The bloom brings a slight blur effect to the game display and as a result the shades are smoother. The effect will be made optional and you will be able to tune the strength of the effect through a slider.
Write your own emotes by Marjo — Creation Date : 28-10-2006 - Last Modified : 14-02-2007
We're improving the emotes system to allow you to write your own emotes, to associate the existing animation of your choice and to play the animation without any text.
NPC Bosses by Marjo — Creation Date : 16-10-2006 - Last Modified : 16-10-2006
We want to work on the bosses including Aen the Desert Blade, who were once all available on the mainland.
Guild MOTD by Marjo — Creation Date : 28-10-2006 - Last Modified : 14-12-2006
We will add the possibility to write a MOTD (message of the day) for your guild. The message will appear in the guild chat when you log in. The leader and high officers will have the right to set it through this command to type in chat: /guildmotd "blablah your message"
Speed cap on the 1 handed weapons by Marjo — Creation Date : 19-10-2006 - Last Modified : 23-11-2006
The cap of roughly 35 hit/minute that appears on daggers and 1H weapons speed is being corrected. After the correction, if your dagger shows a speed of 46 hpm, it should effectively hit up to 46 times per minute.
Small improvement of the AFK state by Marjo — Creation Date : 22-11-2006 - Last Modified : 20-12-2006
We will allow you to receive tells when you are AFK ("away from keyboard"; command: /afk). You will also be able to be AFK in water and while sitting.
Consumables timers by Marjo — Creation Date : 14-12-2006 - Last Modified : 14-12-2006
Consumables (like Outposts' flowers) can be consumed again right after a death. You don't need to wait until the end of the timer of 1 hour before reactivating them. Moreover, the consumables effects don't vanish anymore when logging off.
Faction chats available without being tagged by Marjo — Creation Date : 28-10-2006 - Last Modified : 28-10-2006
We will make the Kami and Karavan chats accessible without needing to activate the Faction PvP tag. Once you get an allegiance (you accomplish either the Karavan or the Kami rite), the corresponding chat will appear in your chat window.
Ring: small improvement by Marjo — Creation Date : 28-11-2006 - Last Modified : 28-11-2006
The objects and NPCs' number limitation are increased. In your Ring Scenario, you should be able to place 300 objects (components and bot objects) and 200 NPCs. You can also draw an array of walls. You simply have to tick the "Draw Array" option in the "Palette" and trace a line of objects.
Autolauncher Titles by Marjo — Creation Date : 08-01-2007 - Last Modified : 08-01-2007
We propose these titles for the Autolauncher branch: Machinegunner (gained at level 201) / Master Machinegunner (gained at level 250).
Leaving the Ruins of Silan by Marjo — Creation Date : 12-01-2007 - Last Modified : 12-01-2007
In a future patch we plan to modify the NPCs that teleport you from the starter island to the mainland.
New Ryzom Installer by Marjo — Creation Date : 22-02-2007 - Last Modified : 21-02-2007
We are testing a new Ryzom client installer. The goal is to make Ryzom easier to download and to install.
Crafting success and failure rates by Marjo — Creation Date : 03-05-2007 - Last Modified : 03-05-2007
We are modifying the success and failure rates in order to have a more reliable and more logical system. This will also allow us to fix an issue related to crafting partial success rates.
Ergonomic Improvements by Marjo — Creation Date : 18-06-2007 - Last Modified : 23-07-2007
Outposts Ban Option by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 30-05-2007
We're changing how the ban option works. If you use it on a player or a guild, it will ban them only from the side they were on and not both sides anymore, for the ongoing battle.
Sap Crystals by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 18-06-2007
They will be stackable.
Flagged Homins and team kicking by Marjo — Creation Date : 10-01-2007 - Last Modified : 30-05-2007
We're modifying the FvF Tag rules to allow flagged players to stay in team.
Camera recentering by Marjo — Creation Date : 09-01-2007 - Last Modified : 30-05-2007
Spell casters and range fighters will be happy! We will remove the automatic recentering of the camera and make it optional. You should still be able to recenter it on your character by using the "delete" ("del") key of the numpad.
Fame Titles by Marjo — Creation Date : 16-10-2006 - Last Modified : 18-06-2007
To give you more freedom in what title you want to show to other players, we plan to add new titles related to fame.
Female Titles by Marjo — Creation Date : 20-06-2007 - Last Modified : 21-06-2007
We will add female titles. This should please our Homin ladies.
Titles Change by Marjo — Creation Date : 02-06-2006 - Last Modified : 02-06-2006
To improve the quality and consistency of the skill titles, we are planning to change some of the current ones. We would like to have your point of view on this subject, along with change propositions if you have some.
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