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Answers To Questions From The Boards - 2005-11-25

by Marjo Creation Date : Wednesday,08 March , 2006

After having spent painful hours before my screen to write, rewrite and overwrite it, my very first Q&A is finally out! Phew! This time you will find miscellaneous questions such as alliances in the outposts system, non activated teleports, the sitting position, healing in the current PvP system, auras timers, equipment in PvP, common craft plans, and details about the stanza "aim at".

Questions about the background weren't included on purpose, as they will be answered on the roleplay website Atys Chronicles.

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[Outposts] Will alliances have a time limit or last for as long as the leaders want, and will there be a max number of alliances allowed per guild? [Submitted by rushin (EN)]

Alliances don’t work exactly this way. The “alliance” term, in its current concept, refers to the side you join when entering the combat zone around an outpost. An “alliance” (a side) can include any homin, without number limitation, and your part in the alliance ends as soon as you leave the combat zone. Beyond this point, an “alliance” simply exists if you decide to make an attack, with whoever you want. It has not a defined group from a gameplay standpoint.

How is such an “alliance” created? Xavier already described this system in the Outposts Q&A. Basically, when you’re entering the outpost battle zone while a battle round is occurring, a window will pop up asking you to choose a side (defenders/attackers) or stay neutral.

FvF is going worldwide. Will this impact on trading and merchants? [Submitted by micrix (EN)]

Not in the current version of the upcoming FvF. Currently, the merchants trade with people according to their civilization fame, not the Kami/Karavan faction fame.

Why there are non- activated teleports? Is there a gameplay or a RP cause to this? [Submitted by karms (FR)]

These teleports have been designed to be activated through rites. To quote Xavier (from this Q&A):

“The portals to which you currently do not have access are linked to rites which aren't currently on the live version of the game.”

Gozmoth showed back pictures from SoR in 2001, and on this one homins are sitting on chairs in the pub... We all want to be able to do the same (which will give life to the pub). Why did you not keep this idea in the final game? And will we be able to sit in the future? [Submitted by mvgwars2 (FR)]

The action of sitting on a chair never really went further than the simple state of “idea”. The way the position was done back then cannot work with the current engine.

However, we all like this position and hopefully we will find some time in the future to work on it again – one day, maybe...

I noticed that you get normal XP when using your highest tree or branch for digging, so why do you not get any XPs when crafting temple parts? [Submitted by bulwey (DE)]

No XP can be given because no branch in the current crafting skill tree is related to the specific skill used to build the temples. To go further, if a hypothetical “building” branch ever existed, you might have gained XP in this particular branch.

Why the pre-patch jewels weren’t automatically modified, as it was done with weapons or armors? [Submitted by hw4r4n9 (FR)]

They were modified. The resistance they – eventually – had was converted into the new system. However, we didn’t add absorptions simply because this setting didn’t exist before the patch.

Bomb spell used to heal in PvE is really useful. But bomb in PvP heals everyone, including enemies. :/ [Submitted by fabfab (FR)]

That is true in the Prime Roots; however it’s not the case in faction PvP. Here specifically, each target inside an area of effect is tested to determine if it belongs to the same faction or to the opposite one. When you cast a heal bomb, a player belonging to the other faction won’t be healed, even if he’s in its area of effect.

Free PvP zones such as the Prime Roots don’t work with the same rule. Here, indeed, if you cast a bomb heal and you are not in a team, anyone who’s in the area of effect will benefit from it. If you are in a team however, only the members from your team will benefit from that heal.

As the timers of aura, regen, timers and cooldowns were not modified after this important rhythm modification, we get the feeling it’s been half-done and half-thought, and that the change simply consisted in a number randomly changed in an algorithm. [Submitted by gatlock (FR)]

Timers for regen auras were changed from 15-30 min. to 10-20 min. during the patch 83 (the time before you are influenced again by the aura – the time before you able to activate it yourself). As pointed out here, it’s indeed not logical to keep the protection auras timers at their current rate, with the recent changes applied to PvP.

We are aware of the issue. However, changing these timers would obviously have consequences on the gameplay and that needs to be done by taking under consideration the whole actions system, especially as these auras are powerful ones (they offer absolute protection). This is an important rework which we couldn’t perform now given our current priorities. So, this it not short term development item, but rather mid-to-long term.

Side note: this answer could as well be given to questions regarding 1 handed melee, affliction, ranged fight, and other various stanzas: modifying one simple criterion needs to be done carefully, checking all its implications.

About PvP, the equation is quite simple:
*Without supreme gear – offensive magicians are the kings, they inflict 5,6k of damages with 2 spells and can kill anyone. It’s all about who’s the first to cast since healers don’t have time to heal.
*With supreme gear – tanks become kings, they resist to magic, consume much less than an off, thus easier to heal, and kill a magician in 3-4 hits.
So, PvP is all about having the best equipment.
[Submitted by fabfab (FR)]

It’s not “all” about having the best equipment, but yes, the equipment is meant to be important. Jewels are the gear needed to resist against magicians’ spells, as well as armors that are needed to resist against warriors’ weapons. You can view a set of jewels as being the armor against magic.
The research for getting the most optimized equipment for protection is about the same as the one for getting the most optimized weapon for effective attacks and damages.
A point about medium armor: with the recent changes, magicians can now choose to get a better protection against melee fighters by wearing a medium armor. It absorbs more damage than a light armor and its malus has been reduced from +8 to +5 per piece, to offer a better compromise to casters who want to wear protection against melee.

The reward for one of the rites is a "common" axe plan that can have any racial mats used in it. Admittedly the axe itself looks pretty bad, but it is quite handy. Are there plans for similar common plans to be made available to us, perhaps even something as nice as a common amp plan? [Submitted by sprite (EN)]

Such common plans already “exist”, ready to be used as rewards. However, before you can get them, we’d need to work on the associated rites/missions/etc. to ensure there is a challenge to get them.

What's the purpose of the "Aim xxx yyy" stanzas? [Submitted by xenofur (DE)]

Instead of randomly hitting body parts when fighting, if you use this stanza you will hit at the same specific part every time. Depending on the “aim” stanza you use, the hits will be given specifically to the body part corresponding to it.

The interesting thing about this stanza is that it allows you to “choose” what will be the critical hit (when it occurs). The success rate to give a critical hit doesn’t change with the stanza; it remains at 5%.

Here are some of the critical hits effects, depending on the stanza, in the case of humanoids (it’s about the same with quadrupeds and kitins):
- aiming at arms: slowing down attacks;
- aiming at head: stunning;
- aiming at legs: slowing down moves;
- aiming at chest: losing stamina (useful only in PvP since mobs don’t use stamina).

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