We the People - Old papers sheds new light on Xalis' claim!

Thanks to the efforts of an old war hero and some dutiful homin the following information was found in old papers, regarding Xalis' claim to the Senatorial seat.

"It is the special committee's finding that the Xalis family claim to nobility and senatorship is, at best, questionable and at worst lies and treason."

"Under normal circumstances the committee would recommend a deeper investigation into the family and the potential confiscation of its lands and a withholding of its priveledges."

"Given the current situation with the Kitin swarming however this matter will have to be left to rest, to be investigated at a later time once the crisis is over."

The Imperial Senate has considered these revelations and makes the following statement...

"While this information is grave and casts doubts over Xalis' claim to the senatorial seat the current senate wishes to extend the benefit of the doubt to the Xalis line."

"As such Xalis may continue to run, in recognition of the Xalis family's service to the Empire over the years and the dated nature of the controversy. In these new lands problems from the old lands should not be allowed to cloud and interfere with our new lives."

Needless to say, this revelation has greatly boosted the support for Dios...

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