
We the People - Victory party at the Intendants Palace

Tidings has the pleasure to pass on the newly elected Senator Dios' invitation to a victory party at the Intendants Palace in Pyr tonight:

"The election is complete and we have a winner.

Senator Dios wins with almost 60% support from the common Fyros people and citizenry despite a hard fought campaign by Xalis. She now takes her place within the Senate and close to the Emperor to bring the values which won her the election to the Emperor’s ear.

Senator Dios hopes to maintain her close links to the people and to bring many of her initiatives to the fore in the coming years and wishes to extend her gratitude and thanks to all of her supporters across Atys, Fyros or otherwise.

Senator Dios will be holding a victory party at the Intendent’s Palace in Pyr, tonight. (9pm and 1 am UK Time, 20th of February)"

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