Event - Episode II In Song and Story Homins of Arispotle, the temples and Sanctuaries are constructed in our lands, and a lull steals over the living planet as both sides take stock of the new balance in our world.
As homins struggle both within their minds and out in the world, things inevitably change. As positions and concepts shift, new perspectives on life are created. It is a worthy pursuit to stand still at these changes now and again and reflect upon their nature.
Now is a time for this meditation, philosophy and praise and Mousai invites you all to a contest of song and story at Yrkanis Gazebo on Saturday 26th November commencing at 8pm Gmt, where you may participate in a convergence of thoughts and words in a delicate dance of poetry and tale, weaving the tapestry of your vision of the war past and its effect on all our futures.
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