
This just in!

Recent events on Atys are unfolding a series of unnatural kidnappings and disappearances which as yet have not been solved by either the guard or anyone interested in the case.

The South gate snatcher strikes again!

Disturbing footage can be seen here

Guards investigating the disappearance of a female Homin in Pyr have carried out house to house enquiries in the Pyr, Thesos and Dyron areas.

The female Homin, known as Bile, went missing last night from the south gate area of town, in circumstances reminiscent of the recent disappearance of Xyrtla, and has vanished without trace into the murky depths of the city’s underworld. Just another refugee, seeking fame and fortune on the mainland, who has discovered that the streets of Pyr are not paved in dappers and that life on Atys can have dangers in town as well as outside the defending walls.

Sergeant Ulyros who is leading the investigation into the disappearances of both Xyrila and Bile is quoted to have said:

“We would like to ask Bile to contact her family, or the guard to let us know she is safe and well.

“We are keen to speak to anyone who has information about Bile’s whereabouts and ask them to contact us without delay.

“We have established that Bile’s last movements led to the Pyr Bar where she was socializing with some of the locals. She then told her new friends she was going to her apartment. After some investigation it appears Bile did not actually have anywhere to stay. Her movements thereafter are a mystery.”

“We asking that any eye witnesses come forward and enlighten us with any information they have no matter how insignificant it may seem.

At this stage in the investigation, we have reason to believe this case is related to that of the disappearance of Xyrila, and is being treated as part of the ‘Southgate snatcher’ investigation ”

Can you help to solve the mystery of the South gate snatcher?

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