
A Dark Plot - Part III

Homins, I have received two messages after today's raid of Desert Stock in the Witherings. The first from Guide Ranger Orphie Dradius, leader of the Atys Rangers and the second from Desenne.


On behalf of the Atys Rangers I wish to thank you all for your assistance this past week. It was not easy by any means, but without the assistance of everyone who attended our efforts would have been in Vain.

I know Wilk Potskin especially wishes to pass on his thanks for the aid in investigating the situation thereby learning of Desenne's plans.

After three brave attempts made on Desert Stock, Desenne's hold over the Kitin nest there was finally put to rest. Many deaths occurred as a result of this, but the Queen was destroyed, and the nest freed. While we are not currently able to destroy the stock for good, having Desenne not in control is none the less a victory for us.
So thank you again to all who attended, may your honour shine brightly in the days to come!

-Orphie Dradius, Guide Ranger"


While you may have a minor victory today, I will have my revenge! You tried to kill me, but you failed at that. The end score was two to one in my favour, so you all loose overall anyway! Muahahahahah!

If I were you, I would watch my back over the coming days and weeks. Where dark deeds are afoot, I will be behind them. Where evil lurks, I shall be there with it. Where good homins dare to tread, I shall be watching! May chaos rule supreme!

Your supreme being,


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