The Candidates Debate Transcript
Homins I bring you the transcript of Friday May 19th's debate amongst the candidates in Fairhaven:
Shaly Nara says: Fantastic!
Lady Ailan Mac’kean says: I don't know how Sara puts up with you Rehn
Lady Ailan Mac’kean says: You’re always drinking
Adelpha says: *waves to everyone*
Skipper says: Drink puts hair on your chest and makes a man of you.
Learoy Shilly says: *looks at sword*
Rehn Kirran says: haws the Governoring Govnor Shinder?
Rehn Kirran says: nice eh?
Learoy Shilly says: mmm nice sword, I think that should be standard tryker weapon, you know
Lady Ailan Mac’kean says: Rehn are you here to fight or debate?
Rehn Kirran says: my Kitin killing machine
O'biggan Brassen says: doesn't my skipper look wonderful up there
Shaly Nara says: Put it away Rehn.
Shaly Nara says: You'll hurt yourself
Nayr says: bah :P
Rhiana Wyler says: he sure looks well 
Lady Ailan Mac’kean says: With all that alcohol I'm surprised you know the difference
Rehn Kirran says: bah
Adelpha says: xD
O'biggan Brassen says: What a fine figure of a Homin
Rehn Kirran says: how's this? Pretty thing aehh?
Kharton says: is debate going to start, I have to go to bed in hours
Rehn Kirran says: start the questions young homins!
Adelpha says: P
Roggan Adgan shout: Greetings Trykers and friends and may I say how good it is to see so many of you here today.
Rehn Kirran says: I’m game!
Roggan Adgan shout: We are meeting so that you will have a chance to hear the candidates discuss some issues and answer some questions prior to the first round of voting on Sunday. I would also like to thank the candidates for appearing here and request that you keep the proceedings orderly and good humoured
Lakera says: *is particularly interested in what Shaly has to say this evening*
Roggan Adgan says: I am sure that Ailan Mac’kean, the Lady of Loria, Shaly Nara, Marshall Rehn Kirran, The Skipper and Learoy Shilly need no further introduction from me, so I will pose the first question for debate: "If you were elected, how would you advance the hunt for the killer of our beloved later Governor, Still Wyler?"
Roggan Adgan shout: Lady Ailan, perhaps you will be so good as to commence?
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: Thank you Roggan, I shall love to start
Roggan Adgan shout: Excellent
Rehn Kirran says: hmm seems most homins are out killing Kitins as they should be
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shouts: May I first say how thankful I am for this opportunity to debate here tonight. And how grateful we all are for your hosting of this
Rehn Kirran says: well that’s good for Trykers
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: As for the question. Mr. Ulyros is currently investigating the death of our beloved former Governor. I know myself, Rhiana and every other Tryker wants the killer brought to justice. I hear Ulyros is progressing well
Roggan Adgan shout: What kind of punishment are you thinking about, assuming the killer will be captured?
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: If I was elected governor I would let him continue independently, but with the full support of the Tryker state. If the killer was captured? Why first a trial and then prison if found guilty
Roggan Adgan shout: Assuming the killer will be captured, yes
Rehn Kirran says: kill em for shure
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I am against torture
Rehn Kirran says: skin em alive I say
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I believe we should treat our enemies as we would want to be treated. Although he deserves imprisonment
Rehn Kirran says: heh
Roggan Adgan shout: I see.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: For a long time in my personal opinion. Anything else Roggan?
O'biggan Brassen says: *whispers, don't look at my man Mioette
Deputy Governor Shinder shout: at current we are not condoning torture
Rehn Kirran says: as you would be treated *chuckles*
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: Of course not, and that would continue were I to be elected
Learoy Shilly shout: I am surprised at Lady Alien’s stance, surely that is not the best move that could be done!
Mioette says: sorry O’Biggan 
O'biggan Brassen says: 
Roggan Adgan shout: Share us your thoughts, Learoy
Rehn Kirran shout: what move?
O'biggan Brassen shout: Skipper
Learoy Shilly shout: I mean, nothing is more simple then passing on a law that forbids the use of goo guns!
Shaly Nara shouts: I agree with Lady Ailan, torture is definitely not an option.
Rehn Kirran shout: HMF
Lakera says: Agreed, Shaly
Learoy Shilly shout: with that, we just have to make sure everybody with goo guns has to be found, and so we will find who was behind the killing. Just one law, it is almost too easy!
Rehn Kirran shout: some exceptions perhaps...
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: Are you saying you would sidetrack Ulyros investigation Learoy?
Rehn Kirran says: *mutters something about poor Still*
O'biggan Brassen says: *rolls eyes at Learoy*
Skipper says: laws for everything that lad.
Learoy Shilly shout: if it were up to the Tryker Defense Standardization Union, such a weapon would not even exist, and we would not have been needing Ulyros, Lady Ailan
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: You would police all of Atys? And how would you intend to do this? Invade all the other nations?
Learoy Shilly shout: and are we sure, he follows the tryker laws, as he is a Fyros!
Lakera says: it's a fair question Learoy...
Skipper says: We have laws?
Learoy Shilly shout: no, no, of course not, we would just agree with other nations with some basic laws. Like I said, it is very simple!
O'biggan Brassen says: *thinks she needs a drink now*
Shaly Nara says: Too much bureaucracy that boy
Learoy Shilly shout: the rest would just follow its course
Roggan Adgan shout: That will prove to be easier said that done
Rehn Kirran shout: more drinks for all Trykers!
Roggan Adgan shout: Unless anyone would like to respond, let's move on to the next issue
Rehn Kirran shout: end Taxation on booze!
O'biggan Brassen says: *giggles* and candy Rehn don't forget candy
Rehn Kirran shout: just some suggestions you mind...
Roggan Adgan shout: Rehn, could you please stop speaking out of turn. On to the issue, taxation. And no, Rehn, we aren't talking about booze here. What do the candidates think about the current rates of taxation on imported weapons?
Skipper shout: Well, I don't really understand economicals, but we need money to develop Tryker and it has to come from somewhere. Maybe tax the foreigners like the Council of Pirates used to.
Roggan Adgan shout: You could have done some investigation on this subject Skipper. Shaly, share us your thoughts please
Shaly Nara says: The tax is fine.
Rehn Kirran shout: he has done some research..I think, sounds good to me
Shaly Nara says: But I plan to help those who wish to, to learn how to create the weapons from other lands. To broaden our skills
Roggan Adgan shout: There have been various complaints though, it turned out to be a percent higher than last year
Rehn Kirran shout: percent for drinks? That adds up you know
Shaly Nara shouts: If someone wants something special made from another land either they can pay for it or they can make it themselves. Trykers should empower themselves to be self sufficient.
Lakera says: hear, hear!
Skipper shout: Nobody liked taxes, get rid of 'em for Trykers.
Learoy Shilly says: create weapons from other lands? I, Learoy Shilly, speaker for the Tryker Defense Standardization Union will surely will stand against that!
Roggan Adgan shout: Learoy, go on please.
Shaly Nara shouts: Why Learoy? Don't want the tryker to learn new skills and to always depend on the other lands?
Lakera says: Answer the lady Learoy!
Skipper shout: don't be silly Learoy, we can learn from other lands. Remember the Tryker code and we can all share, don't need taxes to do that. Just be generous and good hearted.
Rehn Kirran shout: where are you all Trykers? Get to Loria’s Rise for debates!
Learoy Shilly shout: we already have too many different weapons! We don’t need that much more! It gets all too complicated with that!
Shaly Nara says: You are a silly boy Learoy. Broadening our skills improves us.
Roggan Adgan shout: Excellent point Skipper
Rehn Kirran says: I like my gun
Roggan Adgan shout: Anything else to add?
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I do
Rehn Kirran says: and my sword
Learoy Shilly shout: it is s Fyros gun, Rehn!
Shaly Nara shouts: with more skills we can truly become a self sufficient race.
Rehn Kirran says: they make good guns
Learoy Shilly shout: according to the proposal I wrote, that is not possible!
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: If I was elected governor, I would take an advised look at taxation
Roggan Adgan shout: Let us listen to Lady Ailan
Skipper says: And that's a foreign dress you're wearing Learoy, you big Jessie.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: Still Wyler was a wise man, and kept taxes at a decent level for all
Shaly Nara shouts: Yes Learoy with your new laws the Trykers will never be free
Skipper says: *blows a raspberry at Learoy*
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I aim to continue this trend. Taxes are fine for now, but being a governor is a life long commitment
Roggan Adgan shout: Rehn, could you please put away that weapon
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I pledge to keep taxes at a minimum sustainable level
Rehn Kirran shout: pff
Roggan Adgan shout: Thank you, Lady
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: funding what we need, and giving any left over to the poor
Rehn Kirran shout: lawers
Learoy Shilly shout: I think we have too complicated taxes! We should just have one tax for everything!
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I haven’t finished if you mind?
Shaly Nara shouts: The taxes are fair as they are now. If we better ourselves then those taxes will no longer be a complaint for many
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: On the subject of trade, my colleagues seem to underestimate its importance
Roggan Adgan shout: Go on.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: It strengthens the economy of all Trykers. It allows us to buy what we need, and sell for more. It allows us to build more, and grow faster as a society
Shaly Nara says: Trade important things. Like water, not weapons and armour we can learn to make us.
Rehn Kirran shout: I have some issues with trade
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: to isolate ourselves would be foolish as Shaly suggests. We would fall behind the other races in such things
Learoy Shilly says: I think debates should have standardized lengths of speeches too!
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I am done
Shaly Nara says: Who said anything about isolation. I'm talking about improving our skills and talents.
Roggan Adgan shout: Stay on topic please Learoy
O'biggan Brassen says: Oh good grief Learoy
Shaly Nara shouts: You put words in my mouth. I seek to improve us as a race, to make us better at what we craft and what be harvest. There is no isolation there, only improvement
Rehn Kirran shout: whose turn?
Learoy Shilly says: sorry, Roggan, but our Lady Ailan was rambling, I think
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: Maybe I heard you wrong Shaly, weren’t you suggesting we be more independent? It would be foolish to think we can get all we need from the lakelands
Shaly Nara says: Self sufficient and independent is not isolation.
Lakera says: it is quite the opposite actually
Shaly Nara says: for that fact improving our talents and skills will make us much more sought after
Roggan Adgan says: Thank you. Unless someone wants to comment on this subject
Shaly Nara says: I never said I'd abolish trade. But there are things we can learn to do on our own. Leave trade to important things.
Learoy Shilly says: *mutters* too many skills and talents leads to fragmentation, which becomes a weakness!
Shaly Nara says: Why should I rely on a Fyros for mats when I can learn to dig in the desert myself.
Korreal says: Will trade not improve our relationship with the other nations?
Roggan Adgan shout: Hold up candidates.
Rehn Kirran shout: I agree Trykers need to be self strong and reliant
Learoy Shilly says: because we got standards for it, Shaly!
Shaly Nara says: Korreal, will my ability to dig Fyros mats not make me more valuable to the Fyros?
Roggan Adgan shout: Let us hear the homins too. Thank you for joining in the discussion Korreal
Lakera says: a well-made point Shaly *nods*
Rehn Kirran shout: they Fyros are good homins
Korreal says: Perhaps it will, but then will they not think that you are proving yourself greater than they in their own land? The Fyros are a proud people after all
Skipper says: Drink a lot too...
Rehn Kirran shout: we should join with them more
Roggan Adgan shout: Rehn, stay on subject
Rehn Kirran shout: in all areas
Skipper says: Maybe we could raise export duty on Stinga rum to let our smugglers and pirates turn a bigger profit...
Rehn Kirran shout: what’s the current question?
Shaly Nara shouts: We have a long history with the Fyros. I see no reason why that needs to be shattered. If we can help them then they will help us.
Roggan Adgan shout: Rehn, if you do not manage to pay attention due to the high rates of alcohol in your blood, please leave the stage or listen to the candidates who did manage to stay sober for minutes. Thank you
Skipper says: Their use of fire is fascinating, and needed for the steam engines.
Shaly Nara shouts: If I can help a Fyros crafter improve by digging mats for him, will he not be grateful for my skill?
Roggan Adgan shout: Skipper, back to the subject please.
Korreal says: You make a good point there Shaly
Roggan Adgan shout: Let's keep the subject in the group though.
Rehn Kirran shout: but with all respect the topic keeps shifting
Lakera says: I should say he will honour you for that Shaly. This ethic can only strengthen our bonds with our neighbours.
Roggan Adgan shout: Korreals question was: Wouldn’t trade improve the relations with other nations?
Shaly Nara says: I use Fyros as an example. But it goes for any land
Roggan Adgan shout: Shaly, let's give the others some speaking time too
Skipper shout: yes it would.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: Of course trade improves relations, it improves the situation in both partners if done right
Rehn Kirran says: whose answer?
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I am all for strong trade with all races
Roggan Adgan shout: Thank you
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I would like to strengthen ties with the Fyros too
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I feel we can gain much from increased trade with them
Rehn Kirran shout: I think Trade with other nations is very important to keep Trykers happy and healthy
Roggan Adgan shout: Thank you, candidates
Rehn Kirran shout: especially trade in Kitin parts!
Roggan Adgan shout: Homins, are there any questions from your side for the candidates? Anything that can be discussed.
Lakera says: What, other than propagating all of Atys with flushing toilets, does Skipper have to say on the subject of trade links?
Korreal says: Are the Trykers not a free people, we share and trade with all. Trade should not be tied down to patriotism.
Roggan Adgan shout: Please respond to Korreal. One by one please. Skipper?
Learoy Shilly shout: yes I agree Korreal; we should trade the same with all countries
Rehn Kirran shout: yes I think the Kitin Question should be addressed
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I agree with Korreal, patriotism has nothing to do with trade
Wombat says: can we not have a skill the make drinks too boost stats or heal us
Learoy Shilly shout: no different trades with different countries
Roggan Adgan shout: Rehn, the Kitin subject shall be discussed later this evening
Skipper says: *looks back and forth confused about which question and whether he should be answering or not.*
Learoy Shilly shout: that way we can make sure we won't get weapons that are not standardized as well
Mioette says: *gets drink out*
Lakera says: Let the Skipper have his say! (This should be funny)
O'biggan Brassen says: *gets candy out*
Skipper shout: Um... trade is good, I want to learn technomological tricks from the other Homin peoples. But I think if we have to tax, we should tax strangers, not other Tryker.
O'biggan Brassen says: Lakera!!
Lakera says: that was almost coherent Skipper!
Roggan Adgan shout: I thought we had closed the tax discussion, but thanks anyway.
Skipper shout: Was it? *surprised*
Korreal says: Once again I say, we are Trykers, we should be equal and fair to all Homins
Lady Ailan Mac’kean says: *hands skipper a glass of water*
Skipper shout: We should! We should just be EXTRA fair to us.
Shaly Nara shouts: what I have said about improving our skills and talents leads to better trade and more trade. Improve ourselves and we improve our trade
Lakera says: that's more like it Skipper...You almost had me thinking you could string an entire non-technology sentence together
Mioette says: but more equal and fair for Trykers because we're smaller and cuter! )
Rehn Kirran shout: Skipper can we build ships to hunt Kitins in addition to taxing foreign merchants?
Lakera says: *steels herself for more nonsense*
Roggan Adgan shout: That was more or less a good question Rehn. We can move on to the Kitin subject unless anyone has anything to say about trades?
Skipper shout: Technology brings wealth, I've already got a prototype of a dapper duplicating machine that'll make us all vastly wealthy. And of course, ships will be made available for hunting kitin, once I fix the whole sinking
Rehn Kirran shout: I already said I’m all for more trade
Learoy Shilly shout: Counterfeighting!!
Skipper shout: I was thinking maybe a boat that was designed to sink from the start might be a good way around it.
Lakera says: *rolls her eyes at Skipper*
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: You’re going to launder dappers? In an elected position?
Skipper shout: Laundry? No! Make money.
Learoy Shilly shout: that is not allowed according to agreements with other standardization councils!
Skipper shout: Seems like there's never enough around, I thought, why not make more!
O'biggan Brassen says: isn’t skipper adorable?
Korreal says: Some of these suggestions go against things I consider to be unique qualities in Trykers
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I agree Korreal
Lakera says: that's one word for him O'Biggan...raving lunatic would be two more
Rhiana Wyler says: he sure is hooked on boats one way or another
Roggan Adgan shout: Skipper, thanks, but there is no need to share your illegal activities with us
Skipper shout: Illegal?
Learoy Shilly shout: yes there are lots of laws against that skipper
Rehn Kirran shout: more dappers sound good
Learoy Shilly shout: although we should have fewer laws for that...
Rehn Kirran shout: who makes them anyway??
Roggan Adgan shout: fewer laws, Learoy?
Rehn Kirran shout: someone has to
Lakera says: everything about this candidate is questionable! I put it to you, is Skipper fit to stand for this esteemed office?
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I thought you were for more laws earlier Learoy?
Skipper shout: Bah, too many laws, and you want to add to them Learoy. I think we should just do what we feel is right.
Learoy Shilly shout: yes, less laws, just a couple of simple laws, not all that difficult laws
O'biggan Brassen says: Lakera, please that is my skipper
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: changing your mind to suit your mood?
Roggan Adgan shout: And how would you simplify laws, Learoy?
Learoy Shilly shout: no no! you do not get it! We need simple laws and standardization!
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: you’re making it up as you go along
Learoy Shilly shout: that will make it much easier for all Trykers to live!
Rehn Kirran shout: but I think Trykers can enrich their banks with selling Kitin parts
Shaly Nara shouts: Learoy the world is not black and white. A single set of laws will not work
Skipper shout: Well these laws stopping me making dapper machines sound silly to me.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: With standardization we'd loose our freedom
Skipper shout: what next! Banning stills for making rum?!?
Korreal says: Laws cannot be simple; if they are too simple people will find ways around them
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: we'd become closer to the slavers than Trykers
O'biggan Brassen says: Oohh
Mioette says: they'll find ways around them anyway, silly!
Roggan Adgan shout: Thank you Korreal. Let's see what they have to say to that
Learoy Shilly shout: no we do not lose our freedom; we have the Tryker Defense Standardization Union for that!
Rehn Kirran shout: Trykers don’t need laws
Learoy Shilly says: *looks at time*
Rehn Kirran shout: we're free born like the wind!
Learoy Shilly shout: ooooh, is it that late already?
Lakera says: you have somewhere more important to be Learoy?
Skipper shout: People always find their way around laws anyway, get rid of the blasted things and just act like decent Homin.
Shaly Nara shouts: Laws should guild us, not rule us.
Korreal says: But decency comes from those laws
Shaly Nara says: (guide)
Rehn Kirran shout: We just need one law to kill Kitins imo
Roggan Adgan shout: Skipper, keep it realistic please.
Learoy Shilly shout: sorry, Roggan, I have a meeting with the Tryker Defense Standardization Union, we have an important meeting about standardization of tryker armor as topic today
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: Laws are important, but they should not restrict our freedom where possible
Rhiana Wyler shout: so tell me, just to get this debate into something closely resembling a governor election, what should be done about the slavers?
Shaly Nara shouts: Who needs a law to kill the kitin. They are a threat.
Rehn Kirran shout: and Tryker certainly don't need to be told that!
Skipper shout: bilgewater! It's our decency that makes us make up laws, thinking they'll help; you don't need the law to tell you right from wrong.
Learoy Shilly shout: so I should leave now!
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: more important than this Learoy?
Roggan Adgan shout: I see. Then I hope you made a good impression to the audience today, Learoy
Learoy Shilly shout: of course, Lady Ailan!
Skipper shout: Slavers?
Learoy Shilly shout: imagine different tryker armors!
Roggan Adgan shout: Easy people!
Learoy Shilly shout: it would be terrible!!
Lakera says: oh push off Learoy, if that's all you have to contribute
Shaly Nara shouts: The Slavers should be disbanded and imprisoned.
Roggan Adgan shout: Learoy, we are having a discussion and you are about to leave. Thank you
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: Mr. Rehn has come up with a plan for dealing with the slavers
Roggan Adgan says: Share us your plan, Rehn
Rehn Kirran shout: Ah my main focus at the moment is the Slavers
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I and Shaly are joining him to take on these bandits. I believe we are setting off in a few days Rehn?
Shaly Nara shouts: Yes we shall remove them from the face of this planet
Rehn Kirran shout: The slavers have been terrorizing us for too long
Skipper shout: couldn't we try diplomacy? With my machines they wouldn't need slaves.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: They are an important problem that requires tackling. I agree they should not have a foothold in our land, or any land
Roggan Adgan shout: Skipper, let them speak. When they are done, comment
Rehn Kirran shout: and we need to finally and categorically get rid of them
Roggan Adgan shout: Rehn, from what I hear you are leading this expedition
Rehn Kirran shout: Slavers are no good, they scare away the merchants
Shaly Nara shouts: Diplomacy doesn't work with those who torture and enslave us
Rehn Kirran shout: disrupting life and drinking
Shaly Nara shouts: treat them as they have treated other Homins.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: We need to stop them and I support such action
Rehn Kirran shout: I mean food supplies
Korreal says: I agree that they are a problem but to remove them completely and without any attempt to change these people. Does that not make us as bad as they are?
Roggan Adgan shout: Excellent point Korreal
Shaly Nara shouts: There have been attempts by Homins in the past. They don't listen.
Rehn Kirran shout: Well Lady Ailan I’d appreciate your support
Roggan Adgan shout: Which will also be the last point of tonight’s debate
Rehn Kirran shout: you could even vote for me at the election!
Skipper shout: Every tribe has sponsors, these slavers included, I'm just worried about upsetting them. That's why I think removing any need for slaves, with machines, would be a better plan, and wouldn't tick off the Kami or the
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: The slaver camps need removing, the slavers themselves need re-educating or imprisonment or exile depending on the situation and trial
Lakera says: It's all machines, gizmos and wotsits with you Skipper. I'd be more inclined to have faith in you if your only public escapade to date hadn't ended in fiasco...
Shaly Nara shouts: Korreal The attempt has been made by Homins in the past. Homins of not only Tryker race, but of other races too have tried to talk to them and have only been met with hostility. So we shall remove them once and for all
Skipper says: You don't learn if you don't try missy! And you often learn more from failure than success.
O'biggan Brassen says: it wasn't his fault Lakera
Roggan Adgan shout: Remove them? As in mass-slaughter?
O'biggan Brassen says: and he knows more now
Rehn Kirran shout: who ever supports the slavers needs to reconsider their stances
Lakera says: yes...and try, and try, and try...Let me know when you achieve success and I'll be the first Homin to shake you by the hand
Korreal says: Have we not learnt from failed attempts with the slavers how not to deal with them, so we may try a different method?
Shaly Nara shouts: Disband and imprison them for their crimes. Some may die, but that will only happen if we are met with violence.
Rehn Kirran shout: and Trykers need to reconsider ties with supporters of Slavers too
Skipper says: Well, maybe if the Karavan would tell us more we'd develop faster. As it is we have to keep experimenting.
Rehn Kirran shout: we Trykers don't have a large prison system. I suppose we could ship them to the desert
Riveit says: I have a question for Rehn. Since we have seen you lead battles while intoxicated, how can we trust that you wouldn't drunkenly drive the Tryker ship of state on to a reef?
Shaly Nara shouts: That's because we don't need one Rehn. But we have enough to handle these bandits
Skipper shout: Mindless slaughter makes us no better than them, I think giving them things so they don't need slaves is abettor way.
Korreal says: I am not a supporter of slavers, I am merely trying to uphold the way that our people ought to deal with a situation such as this
Mioette says: we could use the lakes- imprison them on the lake floor using weights on their feet!
Roggan Adgan shout: Alternative punishment methods are indeed interesting to talk about
Rehn Kirran shout: but I saw this week we should go and make our displeasure known to the Slaver camps!
Lakera says: Bravo Riveit!
Rehn Kirran shout: *I say
Shaly Nara shouts: A very interesting idea Mioette
Sxarlet says: *pant pant* sorry forgot the time digging...
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shouts: Rehn will you answer Riveit’s question?
Korreal says: But again the idea is more like torture
Rehn Kirran shout: good idea Mioette. A long with the kitin parts we don’t use!
Roggan Adgan shout: Alternative punishment methods people
Mioette says: they are slavers, Korreal, how much worse could they be??
Shaly Nara shouts: Korrean we will enter their camp tomorrow peacefully to disband them and arrest them. But do not think for once second we will not defend ourselves if attacked.
Korreal says: If there must be deaths at least have them be noble deaths, not a sport
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I disprove of inhumane torture
Mioette says: they're slavers, let them die like they lived!
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shouts: Imprisonment or exile
Rhiana Wyler says: it is uncivilized!
Skipper says: You mean wealthy and waited on hand and foot?
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: Still Wyler stood against torture
Shaly Nara shouts: They do not deserve my mercy. They are slavers. As Mioette says, let them die like they have lived.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I know Rhiana does too and so do me
Mioette says: without any honour and mercy, I was thinking
Rehn Kirran shout: yes we've given the Slavers more chances than they have left!
Sxarlet says: talking about Wyler, I have a question concerning his legacy
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: I will not stand by to see any Homin be tortured
Skipper says: Well saving’s wrong, but so is killing. At least a slave is still alive and can get free! Like we all did.
Korreal says: I expect of a governor a certain talent to resolve a situation peacefully
Lakera says: looks like you have a little competition for Skipper's affections there O'B
Pipp says: I think we, as free thinkers, need to give the Slavers a choice. Exile or death
O'biggan Brassen says: shut it Lakera
Skipper shout: Look, I really don't like this killing thing. The Matis kept us all as slaves once, we forgave 'em and now we're friends! Can't we do that with these slavers?
Roggan Adgan shout: Excellent point Pipp
Greenivy says:?
Rehn Kirran shout: we've given the slaves choices as I said
Shaly Nara shouts: Skipper we plan to enter peacefully. It will be up to them if they wish to make it violent
Rehn Kirran shout: the Slavers
Pipp says: give them the choice, leave w/in the week or face the consequences
Skipper shouts: You turn up, all guns and swords they're going to jump to conclusions.
Greenivy says: someone is confusing us with the zorai
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shouts: No violence except as a last resort
Shaly Nara says: No then they'll just find a new hiding spot and we'll have to find them again.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: That is how Still Wyler led
Roggan Adgan shout: Thank you thank you homins and candidates
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shout: that is how I shall follow
Rehn Kirran shout: yes Shaly but surely no doubt they will not be peaceful
Roggan Adgan shout: We will have another debate soon
Rehn Kirran shout: so prepare for war!
Mioette says: It was Loria who free our ancestors; she had to fight to do it!!
Pipp says: then that is the choice they make and they face the consequences
Lakera says: *wonders whether Roggan has it in him to bring this debate to order*
Roggan Adgan shout: Feel free to discuss, the official debate is over though.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean shouts: Thank you for being such an excellent host Roggan, and thank you to my fellow candidates for a fine debate
Shaly Nara says: No, peaceful diplomatic means have been tried. No mercy.
Roggan Adgan shout: Likewise,
Skipper says: That were horrible, I need a drink
Deputy Governor Shinder says: well handled indeed my dear Roggan
Roggan Adgan shout: Thank you homins, we appreciate your concern
Lakera says: Hey Skipper, looks like Mioette is quite taken with your lady. Still advocate peace under all circumstances?
Shaly Nara shouts: Thank you homins
Skipper says: All those staring eyes and questions.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean says: Thank you for attending my friends
Rehn Kirran shout: Thank you homins
Lady Ailan Mac’kean says: I hope you enjoyed the debates
Rhiana Wyler says: You did so well tonight my dear
Lady Ailan Mac’kean says: come Rhiana, we have much to discuss
Sxarlet says: awe so much to ask, and so less time
Skipper says: You, lass, are mean spirited, and I don't like you.
Lady Ailan Mac’kean says: thank you
Lakera says: a pleasure as always Shaly
Rhiana Wyler says: My late husband would have been proud
Roggan Adgan shout: Keep your eyes for news on upcoming debates
Rehn Kirran shout: anyone offering to buy me and skipper drinks will be considered for govment positions
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