
First news from the Guild of Elias venturing into the deep roots

Tidings brings on the first message from the Guild of Elias:


Here is the first message received from the Guild of Elias:

"Greetings from below Atys! The expedition is in good spirits and has penetrated the first layer of roots into the deeper roots. The topography and life is much as we expected though light does not pierce down here at all.

The shafts of light penetrating from the upper levels in what we call the 'Prime Roots' were very comforting, we only appreciate that now as we descend deeper and lose all contact with the surface. Many kitin are seen here, mostly the calmer more herbivorous kind. Working the landscape and gathering for the hives. We are able to move virtually unhindered save for the usual predators.

Our scouts believe they have found paths to go deeper still and so we proceed. We are all in good spirits and hope all is well upon the surface."
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