[DONE] Character

Added by barbaros about 6 years ago

I don't know if these are available but it would be a nice addition.

- maybe the resale time (until it is sold)

- how old is the mektoub?
- the current position (like having a website to locate a lost mektoub)
- is it in stable or not
- is it a fast mektoub or a cheap one
- maybe even add it's stats like HP or hungry status

- how old is it?
- where is it?

Replies (8)

RE: Character - Added by vl about 6 years ago

Ok, We'll check what we have.
For the item in store, it's quite special, it's only when the character log in in the game that it removed selled item, not before, so we cannot know in the API if the item is still available or not.
This is a limitation of the system.

We'll split the item inventory in another request because we don't need for everything and we'll add more info on items and inventories.

RE: Character - Added by vl almost 6 years ago

Ok, we added "in_sell_since" that returns the tick when the item was put in sell. since it stay 7 days. the end of the sell is something like:

ticks_left = 7*24*60*60*10 - (current_tick - in_sell_since)

seconds_left = tick_left/10
minutes_left = tick_left/(10*60)

For pet, we don't have the info.

For room, we added the building id, just need to do an association id<=>pos :)

RE: Character - Added by nimetu almost 6 years ago

How good packer is can be find out checking sheetid

iapsl   Rapid Lake Mektoub with very feeble constitution
iapslc  Rapid Lake Mektoub with feeble constitution 
iapsld  Rapid Lake Mektoub with average constitution
iapsle  Rapid Lake Mektoub with above average constitution
iapslf  Rapid Lake Mektoub with excellent constitution

s in there makes it rapid, without it like 'iaplf' is just "Lake-land Mektoub with excellent constitution"
l-lake, d-desert, f-forest, j-jungle
''=50, c=100, d=150, e=200, f=250 should be levels

RE: Character - Added by vl almost 6 years ago

I just found the pet entries :) I'll add them in the full character profile tomorrow.

RE: Character - Added by vl almost 6 years ago

pets were added in the full character profile. you have these info:

<pet id="0" sheet="iapdf.sitem" price="305565" stable="232784065" status="stable" slot="12" satiety="1000">
   <position x="18958" y="-24406"/>

I close this subject, if you have more suggestion, create specific topic.

RE: [DONE] Character - Added by kerozcak almost 6 years ago

I think there's a bug in character API, because latest_login and latest_logout always show the same value (login time)

RE: [DONE] Character - Added by vl almost 6 years ago

kerozcak: indeed there was a bug. it's now fixed. please next time you see a bug, drop it in "Bug" forum. Thanks

RE: [DONE] Character - Added by kerozcak almost 6 years ago

I'm sorry, i found "Bug" forum after i posted it here...
I have one more question, can we have access throught API to character create date (Atys or RL)?
