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Character Cache
Added by Demorian almost 6 years ago
Hi, I had in mind a project or two that really requires the character information to be updated a bit more regularly than 1h intervals. I was thinking that perhaps the system could be changed slightly to still be efficient, but to increase the usefulness of it by a significant margin.
The change would be to make the characater page do a single call for an online status and return the cached version if offline (cache being extended to say 2h or higher) and returning a page with a much shorter cache duration (say 5 mins?) for an online player.
I'm sure that principle could be tweaked but I think it would be a really useful change and the incurred overhead would be worthwhile.
Thanks for reading, and please anyone, post a thumbs up if you'd also like to see the change ;p
Replies (1)
RE: Character Cache
Added by vl almost 6 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion. We'll not be able to change the cache system in a short future so you'll have to handle the current system.