[DONE] Title conversion

Added by vl about 6 years ago

Currently, the title displayed in the profile is an identifier.

Could be nice to have an url like this:


that will return the human readable title in the specified language.

If someone do it, we'll be glad to integrate it in the official website.

Replies (5)

RE: Title conversion - Added by barbaros about 6 years ago

This could be faster with a database backend.


/* Requirements
 * - title_words_de.txt, title_words_en.txt, title_words_fr.txt in the same directory
 * - Multibyte Strings (mb_convert_encoding)
 * - SimpleXML

function rz_parse_title( $title, $lang = NULL ) {
    $result = false;

    // no title given
    if ( empty($title) ) {
        return $result;

    // default language / strict check
    if ( $lang === NULL ) {
        $lang = 'en';

    if ( !in_array($lang, array('de', 'en', 'fr')) ) {
        return $result;

    // parse the textfile
    if ( $fp = @fopen('title_words_'. $lang .'.txt', 'r') ) {
        while ( $line = fgets($fp) ) {
            $line = mb_convert_encoding($line, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16');

            if ( preg_match('/\t('. $title .')\t(.*)\t(.*)$/i', $line, $matches) ) {
                $result = $matches;



    return $result;

function rz_title_xml( $title, $lang = NULL ) {
    $output = new SimpleXMLElement("<title />");

    if ( $result = rz_parse_title($title, $lang) ) {
        $output->addAttribute('id', $result[1]);

        $output->addChild('male', $result[2]);
        $output->addChild('female', $result[3]);
    else {

    echo $output->asXML();

// Output
rz_title_xml($_GET['title'], $_GET['lang']);

RE: Title conversion - Added by vl about 6 years ago

It will be even faster if you generate a .php file like:
title_fr.php that just contains a php array

RE: Title conversion - Added by barbaros about 6 years ago

Here we go.


/* Requirements
 * - SimpleXML
 * - For updates:
 *   - PHP5+ (file_put_contents)
 *   - Multibyte Strings (mb_convert_encoding)
 *   - title_words_de.txt, title_words_en.txt, title_words_fr.txt in the same directory

// for update reasons
function rz_title_generate() {
    $result = array();
    $langs = array('de', 'en', 'fr');

    foreach ( $langs as $lang ) {
        if ( $fp = @fopen('title_words_'. $lang .'.txt', 'r') ) {
            fgets($fp);    // skip the header

            while ( $line = fgets($fp) ) {
                $line = mb_convert_encoding($line, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16');

                if ( preg_match('/\t(.*)\t(.*)\t([^\r\n]*)/i', $line, $matches) ) {
                    $title = strtolower($matches[1]);

                    $result[$title][$lang][0] = $matches[2];
                    $result[$title][$lang][1] = $matches[3];


    file_put_contents('title_array.php', '<?php $title_array = '. var_export($result, true) .'; ?>');

function rz_title_xml( $title, $lang = NULL ) {

    if ( $lang === NULL ) {
        $lang = 'en';

    $title = strtolower($title);
    $lang = strtolower($lang);

    $output = new SimpleXMLElement("<title />");

    if ( isset($title_array[$title][$lang]) ) {
        $output->addAttribute('id', $title);

        $output->addChild('male', $title_array[$title][$lang][0]);
        $output->addChild('female', $title_array[$title][$lang][1]);
    else {

    echo $output->asXML();

// Update

// Output
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
rz_title_xml($_GET['title'], $_GET['lang']);

RE: Title conversion - Added by barbaros about 6 years ago

Oh, it was the debug file.


/* Requirements
 * - SimpleXML
 * - For updates:
 *   - PHP5+ (file_put_contents)
 *   - Multibyte Strings (mb_convert_encoding)
 *   - title_words_de.txt, title_words_en.txt, title_words_fr.txt in the same directory

// for update reasons
function rz_title_generate() {
    $result = array();
    $langs = array('de', 'en', 'fr');

    foreach ( $langs as $lang ) {
        if ( $fp = @fopen('title_words_'. $lang .'.txt', 'r') ) {
            fgets($fp);    // skip the header

            while ( $line = fgets($fp) ) {
                $line = mb_convert_encoding($line, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16');

                if ( preg_match('/\t(.*)\t(.*)\t([^\r\n]*)/i', $line, $matches) ) {
                    $title = strtolower($matches[1]);

                    $result[$title][$lang][0] = $matches[2];
                    $result[$title][$lang][1] = $matches[3];


    file_put_contents('title_array.php', '<?php $title_array = '. var_export($result, true) .'; ?>');


function rz_title_xml( $title, $lang = NULL ) {
    global    $title_array;

    if ( $lang === NULL ) {
        $lang = 'en';

    $title = strtolower($title);
    $lang = strtolower($lang);

    $output = new SimpleXMLElement("<title />");

    if ( isset($title_array[$title][$lang]) ) {
        $output->addAttribute('id', $title);

        $output->addChild('male', $title_array[$title][$lang][0]);
        $output->addChild('female', $title_array[$title][$lang][1]);
    else {

    echo $output->asXML();

// Update

// Output
rz_title_xml($_GET['title'], $_GET['lang']);

RE: [DONE] Title conversion - Added by vl about 6 years ago


I added it to the official Ryzom API: Title

Thanks for the work.
