Added by kirlack almost 6 years ago
- Project Name: Guildhall-Lister
- Project Type: website
- Project Email: rodolphe.breard [at]
- Project Members: kirlack
- Project URL:
- Project Source URL:
- Project Description: Using this tool you are able to see the content of different guildhalls at the same time and who can take items from it. That's designed to help large guilds that uses sub-guildhalls to stock items.
Replies (4)
RE: Guildhall-Lister
Added by cassandra almost 6 years ago
hi kirlack,
could release a version with the encrypted key, so that no1 can sniff our exact g-keys?
best regards and thanks
RE: Guildhall-Lister
Added by kirlack almost 6 years ago
Sure I can make it, I'll try to get some time this weekend to do so ;) That wasn't my priority for 2 reasons:
- The tool displays the most part of the informations, you won't have access to other useful/critical informations with the API key.
- This tool is specially made for "fake" guilds used as a warehouse, there should be nothing important in such guilds.
By the way, I forgot the link to the bug tracker:
Edit: done :) Non-encrypted keys are still allowed in the url for retro-compatibility reasons, but using the "input tool" they are encrypted.
RE: Guildhall-Lister
Added by cassandra almost 6 years ago
thx for the encryption, kirlack :)
i've another question:
how do you sort the items?
is it by itemid or what?
RE: Guildhall-Lister
Added by kirlack almost 6 years ago
cassandra wrote:
thx for the encryption, kirlack :)
yw ;)
cassandra wrote:
i've another question:
how do you sort the items?
is it by itemid or what?
It depends of the item. Using regexps I extract a string from the name, then I use a huge array that associate this string to a weight. For materials I extract the mat number, etc. For more details, have a look to vanila's post ( and the get_obj_cat() function.