Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by aprak about 5 years ago
Hi I'm Aprak - I'm in it since almost the beginning of time itself.
You may know me as the big eared vane Tryker with purple hair, fearless in battle & with larger balls than brains. Passionate guide of the roots (who's almost on a regular basis bored silly from to much digging & and as a direct consequence) all to happy to help out newbies getting TP tickets all over sacred tree - and it's roots.
I'm in it for the game, the community, the code - and now: for the passion of FREEDOM!
Aprak of Atys
The mighty mouse of Tryker
P.S. I'm an excellent coder too - just in case you wonder wut the @#! I'm doing here ;) D.S.
Replies (94)
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by blindahl about 5 years ago
Hi! There, i've said it.
I played Ryzom for several months, from late beta into early release. Loved the game and story. Quit because I got a new job and work took away most of my gaming time. If you remember a Fyros named Quahooneh from the early days, that was me.
I've been a programmer since the early 80s, in a variety of languages. I'm hoping that I remember enough C++ to be able to help out with the code (I spend most of my time in C# and .Net these days). I've also always had a fascination with 3d graphics, so this is shaping up to be an interesting project to get involved with, one way or another.
I'm actually more interested in the world-building aspects at the moment... so i'll probably end up working with the tools more than working on them. Unless I find a bug, in which case i'm often just OCD enough to go fix it so it'll quit bothering me.
One side-project that could be very interesting is porting the client to C# and MS's XNA - would then be possible to run the client on a XBox 360. Not completely sure how everything would work, but it would be an interesting journey.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
Hello my name is Kane Hart.
I have experience in running game servers for many years almost a good 10 years now. I don't have much programming experience but I have some good administration skills but also some good project running experince and have also run a few projects for open source before mainly database projects and content.
My main goal is to get Ryzom Core up and running and then start story development / content filling and move my way from there. I want to provide a fun open world that costs nothing but maybe something like donations/ item mall for none legit things like just cosmetic and such or find new methods of bring in a small amount of money to keep supporting the server costs and the growing population.
Just like Ryzom I like to keep my game skill based combat/crafting system and also keep it a very in depth crafting system not any of these games where all you do is kill mobs for armor and that's it your done kind of crap.
My Current Project site and name is My Path Online and it's at and I have almost a daily Dev Log I update with some of the things I do during the day.
And yes from the name you can tell the games about freedom and the path you choose something very fitting I think for this type of engine. I know it's very generic but that is just the title of the site maybe will call the game something more special.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by sunandshadow about 5 years ago
Hello. :) I'm new - I played Ryzom briefly but the sandbox feeling of it didn't really grab me, I like more story-driven games. I'm an amateur game designer, writer, and artist, and I came to this forum to investigate the possibility of building an original MMO (probably supported by a cash shop) on Ryzom's client and server software. I downloaded the art archive and am looking through it.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by Drayvock about 5 years ago
I've never played Ryzom, however I've been developing free Ultima Online shards using RunUO for nearly 5 years now. I look forward to being able to use this engine to produce some very interesting 3D Technologies and Systems.
I am excited for this community to grow to one as large as I am used to with my previous endeavors (though I am not giving those up).
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by feendrache about 5 years ago
my Name is Nadine, i played Ryzom in the very beginning.
I will try to get a small world online for me and some of my friends... i'm really excited to have the chance to do something like that
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by vikarti about 5 years ago
I'm Russian
I never played Ryzom yet, and found out about it when news of opensource project comes to major Russian IT portal
I'm C++/Python developer on my regular work
I'm playing EVE Online, tried (and dislike) WoW(too uninteresting)
I had some research in making something like small virtual world using Multiverse (not too successful)
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by ulukyn about 5 years ago
I'm french and have played Ryzom since feb 2007.
After down of ryzom with GameForge I have learnt C++ to help the project Atyscape, a landscape viewer using the datas of client.
From Atyscape I have make a more ambicious project : Ryturn, with creation of avatar, 2 modes "fly" and "walk" and with goal to create a very very light clone of ryzom.
When Ryzom back with WGP, I have stopped the project. Some weeks after I have join the Ryzom Dev Team and since I work on coding, leveldesign, ai scripting, creation of quests and new features, 3D modeling and graphism of Ryzom.
I hope Ryzom Core will help to create lot of wonderfull projects. And ryzom will be better than never
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by Rawfox about 5 years ago
hi, im rawfox ^^
badass long developer story, mostly applications.
guess i want to learn this stuff, so prepare for question impact :)
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
Hi there :)
I'm also french and I discovered Ryzom in april 2004 for the first open beta. I subscribed from the release day until now :)
I mostly like Ryzom for its unique gameplay, background, design and roleplay possibilities with the community :)
In 2006, I showed some interests in NeL and begun to compile it. Later, I proposed some patches to Nevrax and try to code some applications related to Ryzom and using NeL power :) When project was created, I proposed my help in coding.
In 2008, I joined the new dev team with Ulukyn and our first job was to update Ryzom code for compiling with latest compilers, libs, etc... (even so we didn't succeed to use the last lua and luabind versions). Since I mainly work on C/C++ code and I don't really like to do leveldesign (I let more talented than me guys to do it) :p
I'm very excited with the opening of code to everybody and I wish all the best to the future :)
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by kaetemi about 5 years ago
I'm from Belgium, and started playing Ryzom in April 2004 during the open beta, from there on I got invited to the closed test server, followed by the Focus Beta Test server, and continued playing from there on. I started the Kami Alliance forums for the Arispotle server. Currently I am less active ingame than I used to be very long ago.
During the Ryzom Ring alpha, I had gotten various custom ai scripts hacked into the ring session, and running successfully on the server.
I started working with NeL in September 2007, when NeL was forked to OpenNeL, started doing fixes and updates for the Snowballs prototype mini game, and got invited to the OpenNeL team. From there I regularly did various small and larger fixes to NeL and Snowballs.
When NeL became active again, I joined as NeL developer. In September 2008 I wrote a new NeL sound driver for XAudio2, as both the FMod and DirectSound drivers were using libraries that are being deprecated by their maintainers, and XAudio2 was the shiny new replacement for DirectSound. This was followed by various fixes to the OpenAL driver for NeL, as well as further updates to the higher level NeL sound library.
Recently I made a demo application for running NeL inside a Qt window with various widgets.
What I'd really like to see with the entire Ryzom source opened, are things like competitions for the best programmed AI fighting in a large scale battle against each other, and ryzom beach volleyball with sexy swimwear of course.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by blastercalm about 5 years ago
Hello there,
I'm Swiss (on the French-speaking part), and I work as a project Manager in the IT field (mainly).
Although I did test the Ryzom open beta, I really started playing Ryzom in March 2005. I played about three years with various characters on Aniro, and was part of the Ryzom Ring alpha testers (hello Kaetemi :p )
I'm not much of a developer myself (although I do know a bit of C/C++, C# and PHP), but I supported the Free Ryzom initiative some time ago. So I'm really happy to see this dream come true and might try to participate if my abilities (and my time) allow. I certainly will try to learn a bit more the Ryzom code, because even if I'm not playing anymore (well, wasn't because I will probably take a new subscription soon), Ryzom is still a unique game in my heart.
I was one of the administrators of the Encyclopatys, a wiki-based encyclopedia about the Ryzom world :
Oh, I also played a lot of other games (URU, I was alpha and beta tester), WoW of course, and now I'm since four years on EVE-Online. I used to participate in various community projects on some of those games (managing vol staff and such), but I can't really talk about it ;).
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by sorlok_reaves about 5 years ago
Seth here, online as S'orlok Reaves usually. I'm happy to meet you all, hope to chat with you on IRC.
I haven't played Ryzom, but the build system (various forking skill trees for combat and) and crafting system (hidden resources, different materials for power-ups, etc.) really appealed to me when I read about them. The long-term goal of porting the map/world editor to work online struck me as very forward-thinking, and I was also impressed with the fact that Ryzom's art was released in addition to its server code. In other words, I simply saw in Ryzom a project that I liked, and the GPL Affero ensures that this project won't be squirreled away from the community in the future.
In terms of "Open-Source cred", I'm in charge of one successful FOSS project (WaitZar). For Ryzom, I'm hoping to contribute to the online map/world editor. Oh, and I've successfully compiled the client/server on Windows. ;)
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by rti about 5 years ago
Well, ok, so I'll jump in here as well.
I am from Berlin, Germany. Currently about to finish my masters degree in IT Systems Engineering. Unix lover, Mac OS X user, C/C++ programmer, FOSS fan.
I came across NeL some day around 2001/2002. Those days Nevrax announced that there will be a game made with the engine. They wanted to present what is possible with the great framework. But it was a big secret how the game will look like. :)
Playing the Ryzom beta confronted me with the greatness of MMORPG games... remembering situations where a message like "One moment, restarting the AI service." popped up in the world chat. Suddenly, the client hang shortly, then, emptiness. Several seconds later the Yubos were back again... Magical moments :)
Over the years I was following the activities of the NeL community from time to time. Annoying the guys in #nel with compilation issues, hacking a bit around in Snowballs and MTP-Target, stuff like that.
I am very interested in having NeL run natively on Mac OS X without the need of X11. Hope I'll find the time to help here a bit.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by Gradius about 5 years ago
Hey there,
I'm actually pretty impressed that a game this complete would be released as an open source project. Allowing the public to take an already developed game world/client/engine and build on top of it and add their own creativity is something that you don't see very often. Kudos to the original development team for doing this. Letting people pour their imagination into something like this is a great privledge and allows people to create their own worlds without having to start completely from scratch. Thank you for this!
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by Priato about 5 years ago
I'm developer from Toulouse, France and I'm very interested by the engine source code from Ryzom.
I've played Ryzom open beta test and found in this game powerful capabilities.
I'm hoping to contribute to Ryzom project.
Thanks for present to community.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by loreweaver about 5 years ago
I'm a developer from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I've done a lot of development in C++, although lately it's been mostly in Java and C#. I signed up for a Ryzom account the day they announced it was open sourced. So, I haven't been playing long, but I've been very impressed with what I've experienced.
I'm also an amateur tabletop RPG designer. That is my main interest in Ryzom, actually, to play with the game rules and see what can be done in a MMORPG that hasn't been tried before. My main RPG to date is Legendary Quest, which you can download from . I also wrote "Design Patterns of Successful Role-Playing Games" (also a download on the site), a lot of which I believe is applicable to MMORPGs in general.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by Azimn about 5 years ago
Hello there I am an artist / animator that will be starting a new game project soon and I am looking into Ryzom as a possible platform for my game.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by narfman0 about 5 years ago
I've been developing games on the side for about 3 years now. Just finally started my game studio and will be officially releasing an awesome (lame) 2d zombie shooter named YAZS (yet another zombie shooter) for android when the paperwork comes in.
I live in Norfolk Virginia, USA and have worked with most languages/environments. My work buddy and I were looking to start an mmo, mostly for our own enjoyment, and when this came up I found it providential and would like to at least learn a bit how they are doing it. Though busy starting my company and releasing my game I'm gonna try to get a world up as well.
Hobbies - gaming, beach, concert going, etc. MMOs have been interesting since Asheron's Call and I am glad I have most of the resources to create one now. One resource I'm not big on is time, as I'm sure everyone in the world can agree. Hopefully soon I can get a nice business internet connection and host some for cheap - I have the hardware. Thanks a lot ryzom guys who made this happen!
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by EternalDetroit about 5 years ago
Hello all...
I've been developing games on the side for the past 21 years starting with MUD's way back in the day. (Ran a very popular MUD up until UO / EQ were launched). I am currently a Sr Technology Architect for a large company by day and in my spare time I develop code for a major player in the indie 3D engine marketplace. I have written and published multiple Xbox360 / XNA games in my spare time, and I've been very active in the game development market for years now. For the past 7 years my personal side project has been a total reworking of large-scale AI subsystems for MMO's. Using the Ryzom core I intend to link the core game and my AI system to allow a living world to be created where users actions affect the world in a much more dramatic way.
I have a large scale network setup in my basement including 10 machines (30 cores, 20 physical processors), fiber disk arrays, and close to 100TB of storage space. Most of the network is used to maintain the AI subsystem, but a good chunk will be allocated off to the Ryzom core as well. I am looking to have my initial network up and running for testing within the next 2 weeks, with additions coming at a rapid pace after I am up and running.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by sunandshadow about 5 years ago
Hi Eternal Detroit and Narfman, I'd like to hear more about what kind of MMO you want to make and if you are recruiting. :) Same to anyone else who is designing an MMO different from Ryzom. As I said above, I'm a designer/writer/artist. Looking for a team to join, but I have a lot of ideas of my own so the project either has to be compatible or still being decided.
My main concept is: "gameplay shaped like a starfish". What that means is, the player starts in the center, and the center represents the community interaction of a world market and guilds/factions which get their own private forums in which roleplaying and other discussion can happen. From the center the player can freely explore any/all of the arms, which represent 6 different types of gameplay: 1.pvm, 2.pvp, 3.speedpuzzle minigames like Popcap and Neopets, 4.a monster capturing/breeding/collect em all system (NOT similar to Pokemon), 5.crafting/farming sim content somewhat like A Tale in the Desert and Harvest Moon, and 6.building relationships with individual NPCs and factions.)
Overall the game would be an interactive story game where the player's actions choose how the character develops (this does not affect players' stats and participating in the story at all is optional). The overall goal is that a player can do whatever they enjoy within the game and opt out of whatever they do not enjoy. All types of play should be approximately equally financially rewarding per amount of time spent doing them.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by browser_ice about 5 years ago
Hi, I already got involved and forgot to present myself. ;-)
My current interest into the Ryzom Open Source is to make it advance, be a Beta tester and maybe do code changes (haven't done code in a long time). Also , it is because I used to look at game content creations for fun (shadering, texturing, 3ding, terraforming). I am also interested into virtual reality.
I have done 10 years of application support on large scale platforms and large projects. So I got involved into change management, project management and problem management.
I have been a Discreet GMAX forum moderator for 6 years and that allowed me on a few occasions to talk directly with the Discreet project manager about this tool. For those that do not know what GMAX is, it is a free downscalled version of 3dmax 4. I has no 3dmax exporter but there are ways on doing it (see official forum for it at ). As of 2 years now, I am no longer a GMAX forum moderator.
I have both 3d max 5 and 3d max 7 (I got from Discreet logic directly).
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by Speedz about 5 years ago
Heya, I also got into this before sayin hi.
I have on and off played Ryzom since early early beta. Way back when we had the desert noob island and giant herds of yubos. Anyone remember what it was like to heal yourself with the heal spell and what it was like to make a cost neutral spell? :-) I sure do. Sooo unbalanced back then but a blast.
I have been unsubbed for well over a year now I think. But I still have a craving for the better parts of Fyros and The Void. But anyway...
I tend to collect game emulators either legit or not. I prefer legit obviously so I was dang excited to see this. I have no formal code training so I have been self taught over the years. I have coded some small things from scratch (if alot of g00gling counts as from scratch). I have made utils for the EQ emulator, and Opensimulator (SL). I am a sucker for simplifying things through the use of GUI interfaces. I am not really a fan of doing everything via cmd/term. So my utils centered around that, GUI launchers and the like. I have always wanted a sandbox game that I could LAN and design for my own fun to learn on. So far the games/emus that I have just don't do enough. I have long awaited something from Ryzom as I love the world and the overall feel of the game.
Many times I have tried to brainstorm mixing games into one on a different platform than they were made on. My game of choice to do this was my first online mmo like game Diablo2LOD. I have toyed with trying to emulate it on a 3D scale in EQEmu and Opensimulator but it was just not conducive to finish. Opensim did not have features readily avail that a "game" needs. Like combat system, loot system, and various other things to make it wok. It does however have a easily mod able environment. EQ, has the things SL doesn't but also doesn't have what is has. I atm can't mod the world nor make new items for the loot table (new being graphics and all).
So in a nut shell I like to play with a game far deeper than just playing it. I like to tweak under the hood and see how it ticks. I teach myself coding by playing with games and their emus or open source code.
Anyhoot, I'm sure ya will see my ramblings on here as time goes on.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by webshinra about 5 years ago
I'm a french student in electronical engineering.
I keep a look at Ryzom, since I have read a article about it in "science & vie junior" years ago ( after few research December 2002 ).
I fall in love with the free software concept when I discover gnu/linux & blender. in 2006 i was of those who want Ryzom to be liberated.
now it's done, i will try to use my ( unlikely ) little skills in C++/3d modelling to help this project. i am hopeful for the future.
regards, Webshinra
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by brocifer about 5 years ago
Austin, TX here. I'm a long time gamer, beginning back with my Commodore Vic-20 and still going strong. I checked out Ryzom a bit during beta, but it didn't catch my interest. Now that the project has gone open source, I'm very interested in revisiting it. I'm extremely interested to play around with the server tools and customizing the world. This is a great opportunity to get some hands-on with the back-end of things for a MMO and see how it was implemented.
I'm currently working on compiling the server in a virtualized CentOS 5.4 environment; the first attempt was promising but ended up failing on step 10 or so (after "UPDATE RYZOM MAKEFILE SUCCESS !"). I'm writing a basic guide to compiling in CentOS 5.4, and will hopefully have some information to share with the rest of the community in a day or two here.
RE: Present yourself - please say "Hi"
Added by daskleineichbinich about 5 years ago
I'm from Austria, Math student. I have some coding skills, mostly C and Python, some Erlang, very little C++ and I am a FOSS Fan, but never participated in a project.
Currently I am stuck with compiling the server for the first time, but will find my way around the problems.
Maybe I can contribute some things in the future.