Linking to Lib's\includes and such with current structure.
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
I was wondering and I think it is possible and in fact think you can override is still by linking it manually if you change it blah blah but it's been a while and now I'm confusing you.
For Includes for example I have had to link the following for things like world editor and such:
Now could this not be added to the source rather then adding it in our selves? I mean it's a always for sure path it would never change and I think it would cut down on a lot of new peoples errors and also just make it easier for everyone?
Also not sure if this is possible but most people should have their externals at the same level as the code folder or that was recommended:
D:\SOURCECODE\mpo\external\include (Mines really D:\SOURCECODE\external\include) But my point is we could add these in even right and if someone really does not have that structure they can still add it in normal can they not?
I'm not a programmer just was a suggestion that if it worked and you can still sort of override the locations for say the external ones then it be something worth having I think.
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Replies (6)
RE: Linking to Lib's\includes and such with current structure.
Added by EternalDetroit about 5 years ago
These options are part of VS's global config and not a part of the solution/project files. If you start messing with peoples global compiler config you have a large chance of breaking someones production projects.
Anyone who's used C++ should have no problem setting the libraries up and getting the compiles to work. For those folks who are not C++ programmers perhaps a binary package would be more appropriate -- click a batch file and you have a server. If you can't setup the compiler properly you have very little chance of modding such a large codebase.
While I agree there are some issues right now, we need to give the devs some time. You cannot expect newbies to jump onto the bleeding edge, they need to sit back and wait for the pros to get everything compiled and running, scripts written, and articles typed up into the wiki. Things will be much easier in a month or two -- just give it time.
RE: Linking to Lib's\includes and such with current structure.
Added by Tom316 about 5 years ago
If you have D:\SOURCECODE\mpo\code\nel\include linked the ones below it should not be required to be in the list also. Unless VS is messing up on you.
Your Include files link should look very similar to the following
G:\DirectX SDK\Include
G:\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\atlmfc\include
Library files:
G:\DirectX SDK\Lib\x86
G:\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\atlmfc\lib
Source files:
Executable files:
These should be the only directories you need to link up if you haven't changed \ added anything to VS
It\s worth noting I have the source downloaded from the SVN saved to the following path
You will need to make changes to the paths above depending on where you have it saved at and where you have QT installed.
That setup allows me to compiled everything on the SVN. (Tools, Server, and Client) Thats with MS Visual Studio 2008. (Non-Express edition) The Express edition you might need to add one or two more paths to the list.
RE: Linking to Lib's\includes and such with current structure.
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
well the reason I did
was because it had sub directories in sub directories and with things like the world editor gave me errors and such. When I added them like this for example I got rid of the errors. Now it might be my VS acting up though but it was the reason I did it.
But does it cause more issues to have it like that or should it be fine? If I'm causing more problems Id hate for that to happen.
RE: Linking to Lib's\includes and such with current structure.
Added by Tom316 about 5 years ago
I don't think it would cause any issues (could if a certain source file is looking for something in a specific spot) but I would be more worried why VS is not moving through the sub folders like it should be.
If you include \code\nel\include that should also add all the files / folder below that directory. You should not need to add all the sub folders and locations below that directory.
RE: Linking to Lib's\includes and such with current structure.
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
Okay once they fix the darn nel build not sure if you rebuilt it in the last 24 hours but it does not compile anymore. I will redo all my paths and see what happens :)
RE: Linking to Lib's\includes and such with current structure.
Added by Nicon about 5 years ago
what is the qt 4.6.2 that you are using? I am having some build errors as well as I do not see the stlport include line.