Thanks for the Lua patch+Linux client build
Added by rhandom about 5 years ago
So, build in progress right now, I don't know if it will work.
To do a linux side client build I added client to the update task in the top-level makefile, and am running the actual build from client/src/.
GCC hates quite a few of the coding style choices (a lot of "statement has no effect" warnings), but it is building and I should be able to try it out soonish. It also has a rather severe dislike for multi-character character constants.
Replies (5)
RE: Thanks for the Lua patch+Linux client build
Added by bristle about 5 years ago
it this a new build or the same one that we had for a few days? i download the source last night and look through stuff but not too deep. first i have to figure out if i want to do a linux or windows build. but if there is a client for linux, i may do the linux build first.
RE: Thanks for the Lua patch+Linux client build
Added by bristle about 5 years ago
oh i went to the roadmap and see that the client for linux is wine. i dont know anything about wine. i am still learning about $%3@ samba.
RE: Thanks for the Lua patch+Linux client build
Added by rhandom about 5 years ago
Officially there is no linux client.
I updated my checkout this morning and have been eyeballing the build procedure.
This is what I have come up with so far, no patches in client so I don't break the Windows build:
Start from $HOME/code/ryzom
1. Add client to update target in toplevel Makefile
2. make update; make
3. cd client/src/client_sheet/
4. make update; make
5. cd ../seven_zip #now in client/src/seven_zip/
6. make update; make
7. cd .. #now in client/src/
8. make
Right now I'm waiting on my poor overworked laptop to finish the rebuild of common so I can reattempt the link and see if I've missed anything. A build of common+server+client from scratch on this machine takes about 3-4 hours.
Of course, I'm trying to do the Linux client build because this is the only machine I have dedicated to this project so far.
RE: Thanks for the Lua patch+Linux client build
Added by rhandom about 5 years ago
re: wine
I run the production client using "wine client_ryzom_rd.exe" from its directory. This would work well for the development client, too, but I don't have a Windows SDK so I'm seeing what the Gnu toolkit gets me.
apt-get install wine
yum install wine
RE: Thanks for the Lua patch+Linux client build
Added by bristle about 5 years ago
noooo, i had it with wine a long time ago. somethings worked and other didnt. i am still learn (but not too hard)%$#4@ samba. but i have to build another linux so am i stalling. or use the 10.4 ubuntu and move it to the front. either way, i am stalling.