What I hope to be able to work on the next 2 weeks do you think its possible? Maybe Bigworld is suited for me.
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
So since this engine came out like the day of my friend and I decided take 2 weeks off to work on this Engine. Our biggest goals were to have all the tiles added to the work editor and be able to create new terrain in the world editor using the old terrain tools and that is fine for us. But we also wanted to be able to make the client files properly and be able to walk around our main terrain but also start to working on NPC creation and such.
It seams like this engine has way way more bugs then retail I guess some tools became broken and such. Things like MySQL timing out forcing us to reboot the server has gotten to be a pain and were starting to see a lot of issues like this come up.
My friend is coming Friday to stay for 2 weeks. Do you think its going to be possible at all to start on this stuff or do you think its to soon. I have a feeling with all the issues I see and there is a few people working hard but I noticed an overall delay so far in the progress.
For example I know we need to see if ace can give us the .bank files and he has not responded as far as I know to that request: http://dev.ryzom.com/issues/931
I mean my small team is so worried that we been exploring BigWorld as an alternative. Yes it be the bin/indie version but you can still do so much in the python scripting engine I mean pretty much make a full working game. I mean some of the examples of other peoples games have been amazing:
Check page 1,2,3,4,5 for the progress:
We have the Ryzom assets they can be imported into BigWorld so hmm not sure I think the biggest thing I like is the terrain editor and how easy it is to get the client/server working without so much hassle. I mean there is a lot to learn like 25+ PDF files 1300+ pages not counting the ton of Windows help files html pages even power point pages LOL.
Jebus help me!
Even if I still go BigWorld always know I love you guys and I love opensource and this more of a hobby for me and that is why I would move on but I would still stay here :)
I actually made a video I was hoping someone from BigWorld be like lets give him a free copy :P hate being so poor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-8IPN4AceU&hd=1
Replies (4)
RE: What I hope to be able to work on the next 2 weeks do you think its possible? Maybe Bigworld is suited for me.
Added by bristle about 5 years ago
bigworld looks nice but its too expensive. we need another way. i will look at my site and try to do something different. maybe a smallbigworld, or a bigworldsmall. or something.
RE: What I hope to be able to work on the next 2 weeks do you think its possible? Maybe Bigworld is suited for me.
Added by Andrew about 5 years ago
I agree with Kane, without information about content pipeline I don't think it would possible to use ryzom core at all.
RE: What I hope to be able to work on the next 2 weeks do you think its possible? Maybe Bigworld is suited for me.
Added by kaetemi about 5 years ago
[22:35] <Kaetemi> the assets as they are are split into 4 ecosystems, desert, jungle/forest, lake and prime roots
[22:36] <Kaetemi> the desert textures in the jungle ecosystem do not look exactly as the desert ecosystem
[22:37] <Kaetemi> you're gonna have to take that into account when designing the landscape
[22:37] <Kaetemi> microvegetation (grass and so on) for jungle for instance is not available in desert ecosystem
[22:38] <Kaetemi> as they're seperately built, and the amount is limited for optimization purposes
[22:38] <Kaetemi> other than landscape and microvegetation, though, all the other models (trees and buildings) and content can be freely placed in any landscape :)
[22:40] <Kaetemi> make a quad patch that's a multiple of 160 units large, and split it up in about 32 meters per quad, so that's 5 quads per 160 meters
[22:41] <Kaetemi> and model your landscape with that quad patch, negatively extrude to build tunnels, etcetera
[22:41] <Kaetemi> water is just a large plane
[22:41] <Kaetemi> split the patch up into patches of 160 by 160 units, and name them correctly
[22:42] <Kaetemi> throw nel patch convert tool over them
[22:42] <Kaetemi> collapse
[22:42] <Kaetemi> go to nel tile tool and select the tilebank (ace, gimme the .bank files!)
[22:42] <Kaetemi> select all your patches
[22:43] <Kaetemi> throw a nel paint modifier on them all at the same time
[22:43] <Kaetemi> and go to paint mode
[22:43] <Kaetemi> hold space to select texture
[22:43] <Kaetemi> and start painting
[22:43] <Kaetemi> close
[22:43] <Kaetemi> collapse the paint modifier on each of the patches seperately
[22:43] <Kaetemi> run the gamedata build pipeline :P
It's being worked on.
RE: What I hope to be able to work on the next 2 weeks do you think its possible? Maybe Bigworld is suited for me.
Added by Kane about 5 years ago
I know its being worked on ur doing like so much work kaetemi but you already know my views :P