Debugging a server run-time error on 64-bit linux

Added by whiteh12 about 5 years ago

I've compiled the server using make_all on kubuntu 10.4 64bit, but the "egs" service crashes at startup. Can anyone tell me how to get full debug information on for nelnet and egs?

The crash happens at code/nel/src/net/service.cpp:270:

What I've tried so far is the following.

I've managed to recompile service.o with debug info by editing the Makefile to add the "-g" flag to compiler flags and remove the "-s" flag (to avoid stripping) from the installer flags, then ran:
cd code/build/release/nel/src/net
rm -f
make install
as verified (I think) by:
$ file service.o
service.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped

Nonetheless, when I recompile and debug entities_game_service_debug, I don't have debug information for the nelnet functions. I recompiled entities_game_service_debug as follows:
cd $RYZOM_PATH/server/src/entities_game_service
rm -f entities_game_service
make entities_game_service
gdb entities_game_service_debug

Any suggestions are appreciated.