Added by hzmsky about 5 years ago
how can i study network coding from Nel-net .
why it not base on Epoll or IOCP ,witout them how it work well
sorry for my english!ha ha
is there any tools that i can use to open the resource packet like *.bnp etc.
Replies (3)
RE: study!
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
You can extract the files .bnp by using the bnp_make tool.
RE: study!
Added by sfb about 5 years ago
There are a number of examples of the NLNET module in code/nel/samples/net which are good places to start to understand how to use the NLNET system.
I can't answer how NLNET works well without Epoll or IOCP but I can say that Epoll wasn't introduced until Linux 2.5.44 (October or November of 2002) and the interface wasn't finalized until Linux 2.5.66 (late May, 2003.) Both of these dates are well after the initial development and benchmarking of NLNET and already in heavy use by Ryzom. A radical change was not on their radar at the time. In addition IOCP and Epoll suffer from another common problem: they're both specific to a platform. Epoll is specific the Linux kernel and IOCP is specific to Windows. Other optimizations such as a complete movement from threads to coroutines were also scratched due to cross-platform compatibilities (while coroutines existed on multiple platforms the implementations were not always consistent.)
TomH answered your other question. In addition to bnp_make there are other tools in code/nel/tools/misc such as file_info which will tell you what NeL class a file is and specific information about it. Your best bet is to prowl around the tools and explore or figure out what specific need you have and then ask. Also feel free to visit us on IRC in #ryzom on