Suggestion for a virtualbox-ose ryzom server image...
Added by Valombre about 5 years ago
as actually i try to achieve that and i have a lot of problem compiling may be my suggestion could interest you check it (and vote for it may be) on the dedicated ryzom site =>
Replies (7)
RE: Suggestion for a virtualbox-ose ryzom server image...
Added by sfb about 5 years ago
This is a pretty good idea for people who want to experiment and see what Ryzom is all about. I may also be a good idea to have a compiled and running client and, licenses permitting, preconfigured WINE and precompiled World Editor executables so that you have an all-in-one ready to go sandbox.
Anyone up for the challenge?
RE: Suggestion for a virtualbox-ose ryzom server image...
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
Anybody (people which succeeded to compile and launch servers) can do it, not only devs :)
RE: Suggestion for a virtualbox-ose ryzom server image...
Added by Valombre about 5 years ago
For sure you are right kervala and it's why i'm still trying ... but it's really a pain actually i spent a lot of time on it, and shard won't launch and so ..
Just saying for a dev it should be a very simple task because they know all the trick to achieve a compil without error and put a ready to use server with good configuration too ;)
Look the picture ... still running on my laptop ;)
virtualbox-lubuntu-server-compiling.png - Still compiling ... (256.3 kB)
RE: Suggestion for a virtualbox-ose ryzom server image...
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
What would be the point when you have to create your own maps, and add all the extra features?
All you get at the moment is a world with a single type of monsters, 3 npcs, a single quest/mission, and a pvp zone, water to swim (lol).
I don't think I see the point in providing such "image".
Maybe I'm wrong and seeing it from a different point of view. :)
RE: Suggestion for a virtualbox-ose ryzom server image...
Added by Valombre about 5 years ago
Yes TomH .. actually the content isn't available, i just hope it would be one day and then a LAN server could be interesting, i'll won't pay the bandwidth to use it on a real server :p
Actually it's just a technical test for sure ...
RE: Suggestion for a virtualbox-ose ryzom server image...
Added by jwenting about 5 years ago
And it would maybe give people who are interested solely in content creation something to work with.
Most of them will now be put off by the need to build executables, muck around in sources to get the data for the world editor, etc. etc.
RE: Suggestion for a virtualbox-ose ryzom server image...
Added by Speedz about 5 years ago
I like this idea as well. As said, content creators like me are rather put off by the technical complexity of this project.
It seems every large hurdle to overcome there is yet another bigger one after. I have battled unsuccessfully the issue of
PWs that render anything client side useless. I have started trying to make a GUI application to launch all the server windows in one
app, but the server windows don't play nice with that either.
So for the moment I am taking my 2nd break from this and watching it mature a little more, hopefully into something more usable.