Added by antaresgames about 5 years ago
Hello I would like to ask a question or to pass an idea to be implemented.
even why I'm on 3 years of systems analysis, and still do not know how.
The idea would be the creation of some system the same way as was done in wow.
a system of separate instances and quests for each team to sign up.
as follows.
you assemble a party with X players.
this party is creating a map with event unique to each member of which will be held the event.
I do not know if this is something possible to elaborate.
but it would be cool to do in the game would be great.
else if you need to use the code to produce something like this can be based on the use of wow private server (Mangos)
another thing I wanted to give the idea would make a system to store (auction) action a house identical to wow.
legal systems are to be implemented. I'm trying to do something like that but my studies to understand the engine NEL still not give me chance for this to happen.
thanks for attention
Sry my bad English.
Eduardo Rabelo
Replies (5)
RE: Idea
Added by molator about 5 years ago
Ryzom Ring is an instance editor.
With it, players can create their own map with quests, etc.
And others can use it in seperate instances.
Might be what you want to do as wow :).
RE: Idea
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
I have been a WoW Player since 2006 and the instances are called Dungeons or Raids.
Dungeons is a set of 5 players, 1 tank, 1 healer and 3 DPS.
They can enter a certain Dungeon and kill monsters and at the end they kill a final boss which drops better items than you can find from grinding and or buying from an npc.
Raids in the other hand is a group of 10, 25, 40, or 60 people.
The groups are really handled depending on the boss that the group will be killing.
If they make a 10-man raid, then 2 healers and 2 tanks are always needed, the rest is ranged dps and meele dps.
If they make a 25-man raid, then 2 tanks, 3 healers are needed.
If they make a 40-man raid, then 2 tanks, 8 healers are needed. 1 for each group..
and so on.
Dungeons and Raids are not created by the players. They are created by Blizzard.
The Auction House is a great idea.
People can buy and sell using the Auction House and to sell they have to pay a % tax, but the tax is not charged to the player until the item is sold.
The gold/money is sent to their in-game mailbox and it takes around an hour for the money to be delivered.
RE: Idea
Added by molator about 5 years ago
Yeap, but in Ryzom, players can create some as well :).
Or should i say, it is the only way to have instances.
The whole world on the official server have no instance.
RE: Idea
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
But it could be made since we can't actually create a game like ryzom.
RE: Idea
Added by antaresgames about 5 years ago
the license of Ryzom and commercial source before opem not use the name of the game in their projects so that I understood.
or not a license and this