Ryzom Core Serveur / Client Documentation
Added by CORBASE almost 5 years ago
Good evening everybody.
I'm really interresting by NeL and Ryzom. I have already compiled the server on Linuux, and now the client is compiling (take a lot of time ;)).
My question is really simple, i had a look on the forum and on the package and i don't found any documentation (In french or English) about the Core server.
I am trying to understand of this Core is working, what are the key configuration files, and so on ...
So if you have any documentation that i can use to understand each part (Both Client / Server) could be useful for everybody in error and debuging phases !
So, Nice work, and thanks to bring this kind of source codee to the Open community !
Replies (1)
RE: Ryzom Core Serveur / Client Documentation
Added by vl almost 5 years ago
Everything we have is in the wiki. There's very few docs and it'll requires lot of hacking skills to understand how things work and explain to other how it works.