how to create a game user

Added by oxiaohaio almost 5 years ago

the server has complate
how to create a ryzom game user ?

mysql like this

INSERT INTO `user` (`UId`, `Login`, `Password`, `ShardId`, `State`, `Privilege`, `GroupName`, `FirstName`, `LastName`, `Birthday`, `Gender`, `Country`, `Email`, `Address`, `City`, `PostalCode`, `USState`, `Chat`, `BetaKeyId`, `CachedCoupons`, `ProfileAccess`, `Level`, `CurrentFunds`, `IdBilling`, `Community`, `Newsletter`, `Account`, `ChoiceSubLength`, `CurrentSubLength`, `ValidIdBilling`, `GMId`, `ExtendedPrivilege`, `ToolsGroup`, `Unsubscribe`, `SubDate`, `SubIp`, `SecurePassword`, `LastInvoiceEmailCheck`, `FromSource`, `ValidMerchantCode`, `PBC`, `ApiKeySeed`) VALUES
(1, 'oxiaohaio', 'AAW6rxDhBN6eQ', 302, 'Online', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', 0, '', 'oxiaohaio', 0, 0, '', '--', 1, 'oxiaohaio', 0, '0', 0, 0, '', '', '2010-07-31', '2010-07-28 00:00:00', '', '', '2010-07-30', '', '', 0, NULL);

when it works

the client show 4012 errors ,
failed to request for access permission for userId 1

I do not know about "ring"

Replies (3)

RE: how to create a game user - Added by StarsunYzL almost 5 years ago

following this guide:

make sure everything is working fine(Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc).

then run the client and try to login three times with any userid and password, don't care about errors, the server will auto create you userid and password, that's mean you will login successfully in 4th try.

btw: r u Chinese?

RE: how to create a game user - Added by ryzom almost 5 years ago

yes. I'm Chinese. oxiaohaio is me, this's my new account in the ryzom-website.

thank you for your help . thanks a lot . ..heihei. _

RE: how to create a game user - Added by benoit934 almost 5 years ago

Add in permission form nel uid of account app id shard id -1 and acces OPEN
