Cant find water textures??

Added by up2dub over 4 years ago

Hi all!!
My problem is, when I try to put water shapes in the level i got the error that some water textures is missing:
WaterDisplace.tga, WaterBump.tga, WaterEnvmap.tga, Water_night_Envmap.tga.

Where i can find them? 3dsMax says that files are missing. Location - w:/database/landscape/water/meshes/lacustre/Water*.tga

Replies (2)

RE: Cant find water textures?? - Added by sfb over 4 years ago


Which water model are you loading?


RE: Cant find water textures?? - Added by up2dub over 4 years ago


I founded nice tutorial in ryzom_assets - it is max file with water plane. I maked such plane with same material on my max file and has exported the shape from it. Now it throws the message that some files are absent.

And what models of water exists in Ryzom?
