Client modification help requested
Added by Speedz almost 3 years ago
I am looking to create/modify the client for some specific ideas I am starting to implement for a server.
Many things I have been successful in, but I am stumped on a couple things.
The server I am going to make is similar to another game I used to play and it has some vast differences
in looting, casting, and collisions. Plus I want to add some features that are not in any game I have played.
Specifically trying to find where to allow casting while running and in water, the ability to loot/quarter via text command/macro,
and the ability to have hidden doors/walls where you can walk through them. (these are in the game I am getting the ideas from)
What I want to add is the ability to have a macro loop in game, either on itself or to call up another macro on the action bar.
I have tried a few things but only was partially successful in some of the implementations.
I have been able to modify run speed but want to eventually have long duration "buffs" to temp mod speed, not a hard coded global modification,
but longer than we currently have.
Some of this I am sure has to be done server side, but would like to keep it as simple as I can for changes, that is why I am starting with the client first.
I am merely looking for pointers from those who might know the code better, to point me in the right spot. Not actually help do the coding. :-)
Replies (3)
RE: Client modification help requested
Added by Speedz almost 3 years ago
Not sure what the lack of ideas are in regards to this.
Maybe a more specific example listing might show that it is indeed intended for a different type of server?
I wish to make something more like other games I liked to play but I have always loved almost all aspects of Ryzom.
Including and especially the world AI and graphics.
I wish to take the best of many games IMO and try to make them one.
The major basis is from Sony's Everquest.
I want the ability to be a "Bard" (running while casting and looping spells like bards do with songs in Everquest)
EQ also has hidden "false" walls and doors.
Eventually I would like to include player teleports on demand as in certain classes in EQ (Gate for example and wiz/druid ports)
Also the ability to have multiple afflictions casted and being able to have them last for a duration and not cancel with movement, detarget or casting other spells (EQ Necro/SK, Shaman)
I have other ideas from other games as well, like short distance teleport as in Diablo2 Sorceress.
I do not want to clone EQ using the Ryzom platform, I just want features that take advantage of various aspects of other games.
I won't list all ideas, but I am sure I will have my hands full with these ideas.
RE: Client modification help requested
Added by molator almost 3 years ago
So much questions in one post.
You should join us on irc:
#[email protected]
RE: Client modification help requested
Added by Speedz almost 3 years ago
I would, but I never have liked IRC. I seem to get hacked easy on there no matter what I do.
I don't have a proxy that is stable and hate trying to use "free" proxies due to instability.
If I could learn ways of not being intruded I would gladly join yas :-)