Compiling with VC++ 2008 EXPRESS - NeL error

Added by iotech about 5 years ago

Following the instructions at to compile the NeL libs prior to attempting to compile the server, client, and tools.

Everything going fine until i get to the the step:
Compiling NeL Network Service (NeLNS)
Go in c:\code\nelns\
Double-click on services.sln (it'll launch Visual Studio)
Select "Release" configuration
Press F7 to build NeLNS

Compile fails for nel_launcher:
6>------ Build started: Project: nel_launcher, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
6>c:\code\nelns\login_system\nel_launcher_windows\stdafx.h(19) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'afxwin.h': No such file or directory
6>Build log was saved at "file://c:\code\nelns\login_system\nel_launcher_windows\obj\Release\nel_launcher\BuildLog.htm"
6>nel_launcher - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Investigating, it appears that stdafx (including afxwin) are part of MFC, and not included in the EXPRESS edition of VC++.
It was last night, very late (or early depending on how you look at it), I was scouring the sites for every bit of info I could find on this project. I specifically remember reading somewhere in all of this that the VC++ EXPRESS could indeed be used to compile the project with one incompatibility (which I remember it saying there was a workaround for).

So... was I delusional? I cant find that page today....
If I am sane, is this the incompatibility it referenced, and if so.... please direct me back to that page so I can attempt the workaround :)

Otherwise.... help! This looks like a fun project to learn on and play with, but I cannot justify buying the full version of VC++ for it, unfortunately.

Replies (6)

RE: Compiling with VC++ 2008 EXPRESS - NeL error - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

You can ignore nel_launcher, it's not really used and if you absolutely need it, there is a Qt version of it :)

RE: Compiling with VC++ 2008 EXPRESS - NeL error - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

afx*.h are part of MFC which are not present in Express versions, but they are only needed for a few tools.

RE: Compiling with VC++ 2008 EXPRESS - NeL error - Added by Mpa4Hu about 5 years ago

I only have been used Express version and I'm interesting, is none express version free? or I must pay for it?

RE: Compiling with VC++ 2008 EXPRESS - NeL error - Added by TomH about 5 years ago

The professional edition is a paid software.
You can download a 90 days trial using the link below.
