Compiling = 15 Success, 25 Failure All (most) errors seem connected to \code\nel\lib

Added by Miander about 5 years ago

Bump - Any thoughts anyone ?

Hello - I am VERY excited to get into the code of this game. I have loved this game for many years. I am unfortunately new to Visual Studio, but I cannot wait the month or two for the "Pro's" to get the compile process cleaned up. I want to get working on it now :-)

Please any help would be greatly appreciated... :-)

Installing on Dedicated server running fresh install of Windows 2003 R2 ( I tried on XP as well. Same errors. ), I have downloaded the third party files several times and re-cloned several times as well. I am using the most recent external_stlport_lua51.7z

Log file attached...

Thanks in advance,


BuildLog.htm (117.7 kB) Magnifier

Replies (4)

RE: Compiling = 15 Success, 25 Failure All (most) errors seem connected to \code\nel\lib - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

Have you tried this guide?

I was having a ton of issues and this was the only guide I found that got me through to where I can launch my server. It was written by Phaelae and I am currently adding Screen shots and adding a few things along the way.

Sadly I do not know enough myself about how to fix your problem :(

RE: Compiling = 15 Success, 25 Failure All (most) errors seem connected to \code\nel\lib - Added by Miander about 5 years ago

Thank you so much for the reply. I will start over using this guide and see if it gets me farther. Thanks again and I would love to see your screen shots and stuff.

RE: Compiling = 15 Success, 25 Failure All (most) errors seem connected to \code\nel\lib - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

Also I know the order of how you list Include and Libraries in Visual Studio is important.

Include should have these on top and in this order
C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (February 2010)\include

Libraries should have these on top and in this order
C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (February 2010)\Lib\x86

I know I did not have "x:\ryzom\code\nel\lib" I just created it.

RE: Compiling = 15 Success, 25 Failure All (most) errors seem connected to \code\nel\lib - Added by zasdman about 5 years ago

ohh and sorry The screen shots are only for the steps you go through setting up the server I have yet to actually log in to it or anything hehe....
