Updating installation.

Added by fveggerby about 5 years ago


I've been installing/building a couple of times now.
Every time there suddenly is updates for either 1 thing or another.
The HowTo is changing and such.
Then I start over.
So until now (I'm not that fast) I haven't been able to complete an installation.

That the changes/fixes/updates is fast is great, but somewhat annoying. :)

Is there a easy/smart way to use the hg command to update the src folder?

Is it then nessecary to rebuild server + client?

And should all the settings to config files a.s.o. be made again?

Linux, btw.

Replies (3)

RE: Updating installation. - Added by mazirian about 5 years ago

Is there a easy/smart way to use the hg command to update the src folder?

Assuming you grabbed the source from your home folder.
cd ~/ryzom
hg pull -rtip
hg update

RE: Updating installation. - Added by fveggerby about 5 years ago

Some of the answers. :)

