Help: Compile-error on Debian 5 (Linux)

Added by Grow about 5 years ago

Hello Community,
Our Problem is the Compilile on Linux.
We have already compile The Sourcecode and the Client on Windows and we haven't problems.

We have all the Softwares installed there listed in the Guide.
In the Attachment i add the Errorlogs.

We want the Server compile the client is not important.

Iam from Germany an my English is not Perfect/good have mercy ;)

make_all_error.log (42.6 kB)

make_all_info.log (161.3 kB)

Replies (2)

RE: Help: Compile-error on Debian 5 (Linux) - Added by Rawfox about 5 years ago

target "night" ...

got also a problem on that i guess..
not sure tho, im compiling it in 64bit on linux

RE: Help: Compile-error on Debian 5 (Linux) - Added by Grow about 5 years ago

Is already a solution known?
