sheets_packer error.
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
The sheets_packer_r.exe crashes when it is launched and this is the log.
Log Starting [2010/06/12 18:54:39]
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_init.cpp 81 init : Loading config file...
2010/06/12 18:54:39 DBG f98 sheets_packer_r.exe config_file.cpp 388 NLMISC::CConfigFile::reparse : CF: Adding config file 'D:/Source/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/sheets_packer/sheets_packer.cfg' in the config file
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 196 setValues : reloading the config file!
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 210 setValues : Default value used for 'SaveConfig' !!!
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe config_file.h 326 NLMISC::EUnknownVar::EUnknownVar : CF: Exception will be launched: variable "PreDataPath" not found in file "D:/Source/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/sheets_packer/sheets_packer.cfg"
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 261 setValues : Default value used for 'PreDataPath' !!!
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 274 setValues : CFG: Default value used for 'UpdatePackedSheet' !!!
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 277 setValues : CFG: Default value used for 'SceneName' !!!
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 279 setValues : CFG: Default value used for 'IdFilePath' !!!
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe config_file.h 326 NLMISC::EUnknownVar::EUnknownVar : CF: Exception will be launched: variable "NegFiltersDebug" not found in file "D:/Source/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/sheets_packer/sheets_packer.cfg"
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe config_file.h 326 NLMISC::EUnknownVar::EUnknownVar : CF: Exception will be launched: variable "NegFiltersInfo" not found in file "D:/Source/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/sheets_packer/sheets_packer.cfg"
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe config_file.h 326 NLMISC::EUnknownVar::EUnknownVar : CF: Exception will be launched: variable "NegFiltersWarning" not found in file "D:/Source/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/sheets_packer/sheets_packer.cfg"
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 315 setValues : CFG: Default value used for 'LanguageCode' !!!
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 318 setValues : CFG: Default value used for 'FPExceptions' !!!
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_init.cpp 105 init : Adding search paths...
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 957 NLMISC::CFileContainer::addSearchPath : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(../../common/data_leveldesign, 1, 0): adding the path '../../common/data_leveldesign/'
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(continent.cfg, ../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/World/Lesfalaises(matis)/continent.cfg, 0, cfg): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/World/Centrale/', skip it
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(continent.cfg, ../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/World/newbieland/continent.cfg, 0, cfg): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/World/Centrale/', skip it
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(bandit.html, ../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/npc/ai_activity/bandit.html, 0, html): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/families/', skip it
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(set_flags_on_dyn_zones.html, ../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/npc/event_type/set_flags_on_dyn_zones.html, 0, html): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_fil
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(, ../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/npc_zone_properties/, 0, zone): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/fauna_zo
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 957 NLMISC::CFileContainer::addSearchPath : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(../../common/data_common, 1, 0): adding the path '../../common/data_common/'
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 957 NLMISC::CFileContainer::addSearchPath : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(../../client/data, 1, 0): adding the path '../../client/data/'
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(world_editor_classes.xml, ../../client/data/gamedev/world_editor_classes.xml, 0, xml): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/', skip it
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_init.cpp 110 init : Init SheetId...
2010/06/12 18:54:39 DBG f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheet_id.cpp 152 NLMISC::CSheetId::loadSheetId : Loading sheet_id.bin
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheet_id.cpp 195 NLMISC::CSheetId::loadSheetId : SHEETID: Removed 123813 files on 124146 from CSheetId because these files doesn't exists
2010/06/12 18:54:39 DBG f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheet_id.cpp 274 NLMISC::CSheetId::loadSheetId : Finished loading sheet_id.bin: 333 entries read
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_init.cpp 114 init : Loading sheets...
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 154 loadForm : loadForm(): Loading packed file '../../client/data/creature.packed_sheets'
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 308 loadForm : 6 sheets checked, 0 need to be recomputed
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 517 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (fx.packed_sheets) not found (fx.packed_sheets)
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe file.cpp 266 NLMISC::CIFile::open : Failed to open file '../../client/data/fx.packed_sheets', error 2 : No such file or directory
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe common.cpp 549 NLMISC::Exception::Exception : Exception will be launched: can't open PackedSheet ../../client/data/fx.packed_sheets
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 219 loadForm : loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file, I'll reconstruct it (can't open PackedSheet ../../client/data/fx.packed_sheets)
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 517 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (building.packed_sheets) not found (building.packed_sheets)
2010/06/12 18:54:39 WRN f98 sheets_packer_r.exe file.cpp 266 NLMISC::CIFile::open : Failed to open file '../../client/data/building.packed_sheets', error 2 : No such file or directory
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe common.cpp 549 NLMISC::Exception::Exception : Exception will be launched: can't open PackedSheet ../../client/data/building.packed_sheets
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 219 loadForm : loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file, I'll reconstruct it (can't open PackedSheet ../../client/data/building.packed_sheets)
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 154 loadForm : loadForm(): Loading packed file '../../client/data/sitem.packed_sheets'
2010/06/12 18:54:39 INF f98 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 308 loadForm : 98 sheets checked, 1 need to be recomputed
Is there a way to fix this error?
Replies (18)
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by sfb about 5 years ago
Verify that your client is installed to a path that is "../../" relative, that from where you're running sheets_packer the files exist (../../client/data/building.packed_sheets) or if placing sheets_packer relative to the client like that is not possible then modify the sheets_packer.cfg.
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
It is really weird because I have been using it to add items and it was working perfectly fine last night.
Haven't changed or edited anything.
But I will try and see if that fixes things up.
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
I changed sheets_packet in and removed all unneeded variables.
Do you think it could be related to that ?
Btw I don't think you have any error, exceptions are only generated because it didn't find the variable in config file (that's normal, because they are not used).
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
After updating the source and trying to compile using the all.sln from the folder /code/ryzom/tools/
I get the following errors:
And here is the new log:
Log Starting [2010/06/13 11:55:51]
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_init.cpp 81 init : Loading config file...
2010/06/13 11:55:51 DBG 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe config_file.cpp 388 NLMISC::CConfigFile::reparse : CF: Adding config file 'D:/Source/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/sheets_packer/sheets_packer.cfg' in the config file
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 168 setValues : reloading the config file!
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 185 setValues : CFG: Default value used for 'UpdatePackedSheet' !!!
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 188 setValues : CFG: Default value used for 'SceneName' !!!
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 190 setValues : CFG: Default value used for 'IdFilePath' !!!
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe config_file.h 326 NLMISC::EUnknownVar::EUnknownVar : CF: Exception will be launched: variable "NegFiltersDebug" not found in file "D:/Source/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/sheets_packer/sheets_packer.cfg"
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe config_file.h 326 NLMISC::EUnknownVar::EUnknownVar : CF: Exception will be launched: variable "NegFiltersInfo" not found in file "D:/Source/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/sheets_packer/sheets_packer.cfg"
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe config_file.h 326 NLMISC::EUnknownVar::EUnknownVar : CF: Exception will be launched: variable "NegFiltersWarning" not found in file "D:/Source/ryzom/code/ryzom/tools/sheets_packer/sheets_packer.cfg"
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 226 setValues : CFG: Default value used for 'LanguageCode' !!!
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_cfg.cpp 228 setValues : CFG: Default value used for 'FPExceptions' !!!
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_init.cpp 85 init : Adding search paths...
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 957 NLMISC::CFileContainer::addSearchPath : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(../../common/data_leveldesign, 1, 0): adding the path '../../common/data_leveldesign/'
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(continent.cfg, ../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/World/Lesfalaises(matis)/continent.cfg, 0, cfg): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/World/Centrale/', skip it
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(continent.cfg, ../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/World/newbieland/continent.cfg, 0, cfg): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/World/Centrale/', skip it
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(bandit.html, ../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/npc/ai_activity/bandit.html, 0, html): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/families/', skip it
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(set_flags_on_dyn_zones.html, ../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/npc/event_type/set_flags_on_dyn_zones.html, 0, html): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_fil
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(, ../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/npc_zone_properties/, 0, zone): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/fauna_zo
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 957 NLMISC::CFileContainer::addSearchPath : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(../../common/data_common, 1, 0): adding the path '../../common/data_common/'
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 957 NLMISC::CFileContainer::addSearchPath : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(../../client/data, 1, 0): adding the path '../../client/data/'
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 1418 NLMISC::CFileContainer::insertFileInMap : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(world_editor_classes.xml, ../../client/data/gamedev/world_editor_classes.xml, 0, xml): already inserted from '../../common/data_leveldesign/leveldesign/world_editor_files/', skip it
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_init.cpp 90 init : Init SheetId...
2010/06/13 11:55:51 DBG 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheet_id.cpp 152 NLMISC::CSheetId::loadSheetId : Loading sheet_id.bin
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheet_id.cpp 195 NLMISC::CSheetId::loadSheetId : SHEETID: Removed 123813 files on 124146 from CSheetId because these files doesn't exists
2010/06/13 11:55:51 DBG 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheet_id.cpp 274 NLMISC::CSheetId::loadSheetId : Finished loading sheet_id.bin: 333 entries read
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe sheets_packer_init.cpp 94 init : Loading sheets...
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 154 loadForm : loadForm(): Loading packed file '../../client/data/creature.packed_sheets'
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 308 loadForm : 6 sheets checked, 0 need to be recomputed
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 517 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (fx.packed_sheets) not found (fx.packed_sheets)
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe file.cpp 265 NLMISC::CIFile::open : Failed to open file '../../client/data/fx.packed_sheets', error 2 : No such file or directory
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe common.cpp 549 NLMISC::Exception::Exception : Exception will be launched: can't open PackedSheet ../../client/data/fx.packed_sheets
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 219 loadForm : loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file, I'll reconstruct it (can't open PackedSheet ../../client/data/fx.packed_sheets)
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe path.cpp 517 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (building.packed_sheets) not found (building.packed_sheets)
2010/06/13 11:55:51 WRN 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe file.cpp 265 NLMISC::CIFile::open : Failed to open file '../../client/data/building.packed_sheets', error 2 : No such file or directory
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe common.cpp 549 NLMISC::Exception::Exception : Exception will be launched: can't open PackedSheet ../../client/data/building.packed_sheets
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 219 loadForm : loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file, I'll reconstruct it (can't open PackedSheet ../../client/data/building.packed_sheets)
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 154 loadForm : loadForm(): Loading packed file '../../client/data/sitem.packed_sheets'
2010/06/13 11:55:51 INF 1410 sheets_packer_r.exe load_form.h 308 loadForm : 98 sheets checked, 1 need to be recomputed
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
Did you already compile this before ?
Because it seems like you didn't configure your compiler...
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
Yes I have compiled everything available before including the server and client.
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
Ok it seems like that's old projects which had been added to solution and are not fixed, you can safely ignore them.
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
I could easily ignore the errors, but unfortunately the *.packed_sheets are not being updated.
The sheets_packer_r.exe crashes before it can make the changes to the *.packed_sheets in \code\ryzom\client\data\ :(
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
Are you sure it's really crashing ?
I don't see real errors in your log. On my machine, I have the same exceptions but all sheets have been regenerated.
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
Please could you debug ?
You can compile it in debug mode, launch it from VC++ and it will show you where it crashed.
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
I solved it.
It was caused because I followed the instructions:
Create new item sheets in data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_elem/item/armor/ called ma_cheveux_short01.sitem with an EquipmentSlot of Head and a shape of ma_hom_cheveux_short01.shape and a shape_female of ma_hof_cheveux_short01.shape with an origin of "matis"
The file ma_cheveux_short01.sitem under the leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_elem/items/armor/ was causing the crash.
I removed the file and then proceed to do the other compilations and then when I ran sheets packer it didn't give any error.
Everything is working fine now. :)
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
Well done :)
Please could you post somewhere your ma_cheveux_short01.sitem file ? So I could try to reproduce the bug :)
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
Place the file attached on: *data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_elem/items/armor/*ma_cheveux_short01.sitem
Then do:
make_sheet_id_r -oPath/to/Game_elem/sheet_id.bin Path/to/game_element Path/to/Game_elem
Then double click on the sheets_packer.
That should give you the crash and then ask if you want to debug it.
ma_cheveux_short01.sitem (592 Bytes)
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
Thanks a lot :)
Ok I found the bug :p
Your parent is the same name as your file, so it's recursively loading your file :)
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
What name should I give to the parent? :P
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by kervala about 5 years ago
You don't need to set any parent :)
You could have a look at Yubo sheet, it's using several parents :)
RE: sheets_packer error.
Added by TomH about 5 years ago
You are right, I removed the parents line and there are no crashes anymore.
But the character heads are still missing :'(