Show Stream Video in Ryzom

Added by patodeborracha about 5 years ago

Is Possible Show Stream Video in Ryzom...

Ex.: One TV Screen Show in Texture an Strem Video, or in Shadow

Replies (3)

RE: Show Stream Video in Ryzom - Added by sfb about 5 years ago


No such support exists today but you could implement a new ITexture class such as CTextureVideo. Here's how OGRE does Ogg/Theora-based video textures:

It could probably be adapted to NeL.


RE: Show Stream Video in Ryzom - Added by patodeborracha about 5 years ago

ty =)

RE: Show Stream Video in Ryzom - Added by kervala about 5 years ago

It's possible to achieve that using UDriver::setRenderTarget, but it doesn't support videos textures so you have to code yourself video render to a texture.
