Help with linked datas

Added by Grow about 5 years ago

After much back and forth it finally does the server to compile.

With "cmake" i compile/Configure the Server and with "make install" installed.
In my next Step i linked the xx_service


ln -s /usr/local/sbin/xx_service /home/xxx/ryzom/code/ryzom/server/src/xx_service/XX_service


By the Serverstart, i become this Errormessage


cp: angegebenes Ziel »welcome_service_default.cfg« ist kein Verzeichnis
Launching ...

src/logger_service/logger_service: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Press ENTER to relaunch


If I understand correctly can it not found the
Where i must the data linked an which data i must where i linked.

Sorry iam from Germany an my english is not perfect ;)
have mercy

Replies (1)

RE: Help with linked datas - Added by sfb about 5 years ago


The CMake build does not place the binaries and libraries into a place which the "server start" scripts expect it to be. If you wish to start your server using 'shard start' then you will have to use the legacy build system (BuildForLinux and ConfigureForLinux) to get up and running. The CMake conversion is very far from complete and is not recommended unless you are attempting to use it in an effort to submit patches.

Thank you!
