Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago
I have a problem, when I try to compiler the source I get an Error (LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\..\..\..\nel\lib\nlmisc_d.lib'
Build log was saved at "file://C:\ryzom\code\ryzom\server\obj\Debug\pd_reference_builder\BuildLog.htm")
I have tried everything to finish the compilering but I allways get this Error.
I would be glad if you could help me with this promblem.
gretz LordBen@
Replies (31)
RE: nlmisc_r.lib
Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago
ok if i run the shard_start in the server folder a much of windows are comming. is that right ??
RE: nlmisc_r.lib
Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago
ok i have set up everything but i i start the client i get an error that nel_drv_direct3d_win is an too old version, what can i do??
RE: nlmisc_r.lib
Added by kervala almost 5 years ago
Please delete original nel*.dll in your ryzom folder and if it complains about missing dll after that, it means you forgot to modify the PATH environment variable.
And please try to search yourself a fix for a simple problem instead of creating a new thread and asking the same thing it has already been answered before. (search function and/or google is your friend)
If you really need help, you should go on #ryzom (
RE: nlmisc_r.lib
Added by LordBen@ almost 5 years ago
Ok thank you :) i used the safu too but there was nothing with help me.
RE: nlmisc_r.lib
Added by virtuousD almost 5 years ago
For reference, the ryzom folder above refers to the place where you extracted the client archive (as instructed here, not the game source. The nel*.dll that you want to use is in <ryzom dir>\code\nel\lib , which should be in your PATH.
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