where do i can download documentations of source code?

Added by warmsun over 4 years ago

hi,Good day, where do i can download documentations of source code? I cant find documentations in the source

Replies (3)

RE: where do i can download documentations of source code? - Added by sfb over 4 years ago


Other than what you see on the wiki the source code is the closest to documentation on the source code as we have. You can look at my reference guide for some documentation on NeL. You can run Doxygen as well. We haven't run doxygen in awhile, but we can put it on the long todo list.


RE: where do i can download documentations of source code? - Added by kervala over 4 years ago

Ryzom client, server, tools, etc... parts of Ryzom Core are not API but application so you don't have classes documented excepted comments in the code and wiki pages.


Documentation about NeL is too available on wiki :


NeL Doxygen is avaible on sfb site :

