: NLMISC::EStreamOverflow

Added by DeVore over 4 years ago

Download, compiled and ran the client following all the instructions provided.

Everything worked ok except once in the game I'll get spates of lots of unhandled NLMISC::EStreamOverflow from bit_mem_stream.cpp line 189.

Anyone got any ideas what the problem might be?

Thanks in advance


Replies (3)

RE: : NLMISC::EStreamOverflow - Added by sfb over 4 years ago


Did you download and compile the client and then connect to Open Shard? I do not know if the Ryzom staff have updated the services on Open Shard since it was intended to work with the ryzom_open_client.7z that's available for download so the compiled client may not work against Open Shard. This past week we finished merging a Ryzom patch into Ryzom Core which changed the message structure and the message structure needs to match between the clients and services.

Just a guess but that's probably your problem. Don't try to connect to Open Shard using a custom compiled client - it won't work. )=


RE: : NLMISC::EStreamOverflow - Added by DeVore over 4 years ago

Hi Sfb,

Thank you for your response. That is indeed what I was trying to do, I was following the wiki article here - http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/ryzom/RunClientOnWindows.

I was just testing that the compiled client was working, I don't intend to connect to the Open Shard once I've made custom changes.



RE: : NLMISC::EStreamOverflow - Added by sfb over 4 years ago


Just glad it was something simple and explainable.

