Irritation about links here on the wiki (solved)

Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago


i'm still in the process of building the client and server on different plattforms, to find out on which plattform i like to work most.

On one point, quite at the beginning, the wiki is irritating:

is under "getting started" on the right the entry:
"Build Source CMake (Windows)" which leads to:
Following the instructions on that page, although the header on that page says "Compile", i do NOT get an executable in any directory, but still have to compile from VC Express with F5 or F7.
Only then an executable is made on my pc, and - of course - starts right away.
Is that intentional? Did I omit some important step? I'd rather have an EXE right after compiling with CMake... But that's just me... :)

Then, still on:
... is under "Getting started" the link to:
"Run Client (Windows)"
... which leads to:

On that page on the first line you can read:
"We supposed you have finish the compilation and now you want to run your own client to connect on the open shard."
... where the word "compilation" is linked to:

As that page is listed under:
"Legacy build systems (obsolete)" on the frontpage
... i would have expected:
... instead. But, alas, it's not.

Why is this so?

Ragnar G.D.

Replies (7)

RE: Irritation about links here on the wiki - Added by nimetu over 4 years ago

ragnar-gd wrote:

"Build Source CMake (Windows)" which leads to:
Following the instructions on that page, although the header on that page says "Compile", i do NOT get an executable in any directory, but still have to compile from VC Express with F5 or F7.
Only then an executable is made on my pc, and - of course - starts right away.
Is that intentional? Did I omit some important step? I'd rather have an EXE right after compiling with CMake... But that's just me... :)

after cmake, did you run nmake ? cmake will just build the solution that VC++ can use, it does not compile anything.
Dont have experience with cmake under windows, but should be the same as in linux. First you create 'project' with cmake and then you run make to compile the whole thing.

RE: Irritation about links here on the wiki - Added by kervala over 4 years ago

CMake is not a compiler, it generates projects that you need to open with Visual C++ (or generates nmake projects to be able to compile them in command-line).

RE: Irritation about links here on the wiki - Added by HamiltonWDS over 4 years ago

I have a question in regards to the Wiki, if there are corrections or additional steps to be added to the Wiki, what is the process for doing so? Do we make a post in the forms, contact the author, etc? A change control system of sorts?

RE: Irritation about links here on the wiki - Added by kervala over 4 years ago

If you found an error in wiki and are sure you can fix it (without breaking anything :p), you can edit the wiki page directly (in the worst case, we would be able to modify it later). If you're not sure, you can join IRC channel #ryzom and ask there or on this forum.

RE: Irritation about links here on the wiki - Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago

Ok, there seems to be a corrective addition on the wiki now... thanks to whoever did that... (or, as likely as ever, i overlooked it at first) ... :-)

Still, this issue remains:

Then, still on:
... is under "Getting started" the link to:
"Run Client (Windows)"
... which leads to:

On that page on the first line you can read:
"We supposed you have finish the compilation and now you want to run your own client to connect on the open shard."
... where the word "compilation" is linked to:

As that page is listed under:
"Legacy build systems (obsolete)" on the frontpage
... i would have expected:
... instead. But, alas, it's not.

Why is this so?

... which is, "Run Client (Windows)" is linked to the "obsolete"/"legacy" way of compiling/building the client.
If there is a reason for it, please explain.
If not, say so, and correct it, or advise me, and i will correct it (that is, i.e. link it to

RE: Irritation about links here on the wiki - Added by kervala over 4 years ago

Thanks for noticing that :) It's fixed now.

RE: Irritation about links here on the wiki - Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago

Thank you, kervela. :-)
