Help pls, for begginer !

Added by Kotzu over 4 years ago

Hey everyone, i'm new to this things with engines/compiles/server/client and tried to used the guide on this site WIKI but seems that after i do everything as in tutorial i still get fails at compiles and errors, so i assume that the guide is not updeted or for more experienced ppl. The thing i ask is, can anyone give me a guide or help me through Skype call with all this?
What i want to do is:
1)set up a Ryzom server
2)connect to it with a client
3)use model edit
4)make a customized game from it, for me+ some friends

Anyone pls?

Replies (1)

RE: Help pls, for begginer ! - Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago

Hi, Kotzu,

you'll find more immediate help on IRC:

Ryzom gives you a way to find out, if working on it is for you at all:

  1. Enter the commercial version with the 21-day trial.
  2. Try and learn the "Ring"-component, which is the official way to add custom content to the game.
  3. Make some custom content with the tools given.
  4. Let your friends play.
  5. If you think "Hey, that was fun and easy!", and you friends say "Hey, what you did there was good!", come back here.

Know this:

- to add content, ryzom has many ready-to-use tools. They work, even if they are awkward to use. In case of doubt, learn how to use them before even looking at the code
- although the engine is open source, making models and animation, as of time being, requires a professional tool. Here, you need 3ds max. Get a students version.
- the rules of ryzom are hard-coded into the game with C++. If you want rules other than that of ryzom, good C++ skill is required. And it'll take time. Think of many months.
- If you aren't good at it yet, you CAN learn C++ by doing this, but plan for 100% more time. BUT: Working on ryzom code counts to the top 3 fun ways of learning C++ ... ;)
- up the hierarchy of 1. single- 2. multi-, and 3. massively multiplayer, ruledesign becomes much more difficult. Ryzom belongs to (3), so better start with custom content.

Ragnar G.D.
