Question: Isn't the code in "permanentban" a bit superfluous? (closed)
Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago
I found "permanentban.h/.cpp".
The concepts there - some questionable "punishment" on the client side, esp. for windows-clients - seem outdated, now the code is open source.
Shouldn't that stuff simply be omitted?
Now the code is open source, you can protect yourself against the effects quite effectively...
Replies (2)
RE: Question: Isn't the code in "permanentban" a bit superfluous?
Added by sfb over 4 years ago
It doesn't change the fact that the shipped client has these 'limitations' built in and it also does not allow you to bypass the permanent ban state on the server. It has no harm in being left there.
RE: Question: Isn't the code in "permanentban" a bit superfluous? (closed)
Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago
With all due respect, i disagree, as someone wanting to "return" to the game (to spell revenge) can do so.
I could.
The effects in the client-code are void for such a person, as a backup of that part of the windows-registry will completely block that effect.
I call the effect questionable, because some of it do only hit windows-users. "Problems" based on the choice of OS of the evil-doer? Sounds wrong to me ...
But, of course, if this code is kept, no regular player is hurt, so, yes, it does no harm.
But enough on that... ;-)