There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me? (solved)
Added by tao1445 over 4 years ago
According to the steps in the article 'Adding Game Entities' in Ryzom WIKI,when I tried to add an armor in my own server,I met some problem.
I make sheet_id.bin with the make_sheet_id tool and created *.packed_sheets with sheet_packer tool.
Then I move the sheet_id.bin and *.packed_sheets to user folder in ryzom_open_client.
And according to the article which was mentioned earlier,I deleted all *.packed_sheets from the server/data_shard.
But when I started the servers,there were some error caused the servers failed to start.
I don't know what happened,and how can I handle these error?
Thanks for any advice.
There is the error log.
(9.6 kB)
Replies (19)
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by molator over 4 years ago
Looks like you changed some sheets that weren't specify in the wiki,
fyros something.
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by tao1445 over 4 years ago
I didn't change the sheets that weren't specify in the wiki.
Actually,I only changed the file called bmpa01.sbrick which is in such path:
And I changed this line only:
<ATOM Name="MinCastTime" Value="28"/>
I changed it into:
<ATOM Name="MinCastTime" Value="12"/>
The any other sheet hadn't been changed yet.
According to the error log,it told me that 'Reason: CStaticWorld sheet 'fyros' is invalid. is broken'.
But I didn't changed the file called and anything about 'fyros'.
What's wrong with my sheets and my program?
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by Raydon over 4 years ago
This might be of some help to you , just to check your work ,, you tube video on adding armor part one heres the link
only posting this to see if this helps or not ,,,
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by tao1445 over 4 years ago
I watched this video,and did my work again.
This time,servers and client run with no errors.
But when the player execute command called '/a createItemInBag iczalv.sitem 1 25',system told me the player don't have privilege.
Then I thought I need to set develop privilege to this player,so I visited my apache admin web.
But there was a new problem that when I execute command called 'setPriv UID :DEV:',there was not any tips to tell me if this command execute successful or not.
I watch my admin web,I found that all the servers 'Running State' is stopped,and in the top of the web,it tips:
Warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 2 to be resource, null given in F:\ryzom\code\ryzom\tools\server\admin\functions_mysql.php on line 107
I think if there're something wrong or not?
Please view my screenshots.
Thanks Raydon for this youtube video.
player_privilege.jpg (6.3 kB)
apache_admin.jpg (229.4 kB)
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by Raydon over 4 years ago
Did You restart Apache ? and MSQL ? and did you restart the PC ? after redoing the work ? just asking ?
not to sure on that error , i have to look into that for you ....
if you restarted apache and msql , etc and relaunched the server and connected and can log in,
check which accout you wish to give admin or gm rights to ,, after all this check this ,,,
Create item ingame into inventory¶
•Connect with your client
•On EGS use command setPriv 1 :DEV:
•Select yourself ingame
•Do /a createItemInBag ic_test_trooper_vest.sitem 1 25
check EGS service , it may need to be RESTARTED ,,,
Create a character on your server and grant it some privileges.
This can be done by using the EGS (Entity Game Service - part of the server) command "setPriv 1 :DEV:" when the corresponding user is logged into the Client, or by directly altering the corresponding table entry for your character in the mysql database on the server.
Note: If you have more than one character on your server you need to change the EGS command to "setPriv x :DEV:" where x is the id of the char found in the mysql database
Try all that see what happens ,, if info any help at all or look at these links
hope this helps " Still Looking into that Error for you "
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by molator over 4 years ago
You can add :DEV: in the privilege field in the nel.user (using phpmyadmin or else).
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by tao1445 over 4 years ago
Thanks for a lot.
Now,I redid my work accdoring to the youtube viedo and wiki links:
I checked my work and files everywhere it mentioned in the the "AddingGameEntities" and the viedo more than one time!
My step is:
•edit the .sitem file and .sbrick file;
•rebuild the .packed_sheets files with sheet_packer tool;
•move .packed_sheets files into 'data' directory in ryzom_client_open;
•restart all servers(in Windows);
•restart apache admin and mysql with XAMPP tool;
•restart the ryzom_client_open and connect to the servers(success);
•player can login game successful;
But the problem which was mentioned earlier is still exist.
In apache admin web,all servers' "Running State" are till "stopped",but the "State" are "Online",just like that screenshot called "apache_admin.jpg".
When I execute commamd "setPriv 1003 :DEV:" (my play's UID is 1003) in the EGS,there was still not any tip to show if the command execute successful or not.
It meaned the command can't execute successful,right?
And ingame,I selected the player(myself),and executed command "/a createItemInBag iczalv.sitem 1 25" failed still,it still told me:
"You don't have privilege to excute the command". Just like the screenshot called "player_privilege.jpg".
So,I redid all the work from start step to end step just according to the article and the viedo.
But when testing,I failed.
I guess if the server's "Running State" is "stopped" cause the problem or not?
How can I handle the "Running State" problem.
Please give me some advice.
Thanks again.
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by molator over 4 years ago
If the running state is stopped, the shard is down.
It can't work.
When you're starting the shard, can you see in the webtool chain crashing ?
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by tao1445 over 4 years ago
I redid the work and restarting the shard,according to the logs,there was not any information told me the webtool chain crashing.
In the apache admin web,only "Running State" is "stopped",but "State" is "online".
And the client could connecte to the shard (servers in Windows).
Plyaer could login and play,but didn't have privilege to execute the command like "createItemInBag".
I tried to add :DEV: privilege in the nel.user,but there was not the "privilege" field in the table.
So I haven't added player :DEV: privilege yet.
Please view my screenshot about the apache admin webtool.
The key issue is the player's privilege,can I add :DEV: privilege to player without apache admin webtool?Or by some other way?
running_state.jpg (116.5 kB)
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by Raydon over 4 years ago
ok done fresh install myself on brand new pc , from scratch , followed everything from downloading source , im getting the same with your last jpg pic , double checked ,
can connect with client , login , check apache , checked msql, ports open , etc etc , saying stopped same as your jpeg image , no ideas on that one yet , so im in the same boat as we speek now , apart from doing adding armor , if you follow , so lets hope we both can get answers to that one ....
so yup your stuck and i am now , on answering that one on jpeg last image. lets hope Molator can help :-).
Untitled.png (134.7 kB)
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by tao1445 over 4 years ago
We met the same issue.
As you said,I hope there is someone just like molator can help us for the issue.
By the way,if your OS is windows?
My OS is windows.
I think if the problem is exist under LINUX or not?
Waiting any advice for this issue...
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by Krolock over 4 years ago
Under windows it is quite weird with the state. In the windows Admin tool the services are always stopped, whether they are running or not. If you can connect to your shard, everything is fine.
I suppose you both use Windows to run the server? Then you'll have a bunch of service windows. Open the one from EGS and type into the text field at the bottom
setPriv 1 :DEV:
Be sure you use the right Uid of your user and also be sure, that this character is online. This sets the Privilege only once. After log out the privilege is gone.
If you want to set the privilige permanent, you have to go into your MySQL. If you've set up the table correctly, then you'll have a fied 'Privilege' in your nel->user table. Type in :DEV:, save and hafe fun :)
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me?
Added by tao1445 over 4 years ago
Thanks for your advice.
I tried again,from apache admin,the EGS command called "setPriv 1 :DEV:" couldn't work.
Then I did the work in MySQL from phpMyAdmin, in nel.user table,I edit the "Privilege" field of my player account, type in :DEV:,and saved.
When I restarted shard,restarted client,logined in the game with the account who have the ":DEV" privilege.
And this time,the command called "/a createItemInBag iczalv.sitem 1 25" worked successful,and the player got the item in his bag.
Raydon,you can try to do it as this way,in MySQL,modifie the user's privilege.
This screeshot of MySQL shows the result of this action.You can see the "privilege" field.
So,this issue is solved.
Thank everyone for any advice,again.
DEV_privilege.jpg (17.4 kB)
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me? (solved)
Added by Krolock over 4 years ago
why do you have a UID 1003? Isn't it a little high? :) Your Char was online during commading setPriv 1 :DEV: in the EGS?
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me? (solved)
Added by molator over 4 years ago
As i said previously there's a field Privilege in the table user in the database nel.
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me? (solved)
Added by tao1445 over 4 years ago
I don't why my player's UID is 1003,it is that when I connceted the servers at first time.
I added the :DEV: privilege to my player in database nel.user successful.
But when the character was online,I used command called "setPriv 1003 :DEV:" in the EGS from apache admin web,it couldn't work successful.
Thank Krolock and molator.
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me? (solved)
Added by molator over 4 years ago
If you're adding :DEV: in the db, the command setPriv is useless.
The command setPriv must be enter in EGS console (4th screen for linux).
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me? (solved)
Added by Max_De_Groot over 2 years ago
I came across some odd problems when I followed the tutorial aswell.
The armor I added works without a problem, but; The hair of my characters changed (one character even has a diff
hair color in the game than in the character select screen), and I seem to have lost the icon for quests (the scroll that
appears in front of every quest in a list), while it worked before I added the one piece of armor. I only get an empty
square, as if the icon doesn't even exist!
Also, when I try to add more armor (I made a fyros LA set, .sitems and .sbricks according to the tutorial...) the server
chaincrashes after I made the sheet ID and packed sheets (I stop the shard before I change anything).
Where can I check the quest icon?
and what can I do wrong in a sbrick/sitem that makes the server chaincrash?
added my sitems and sbricks...
fyros_light_armor.7z (2.2 kB)
RE: There are some error when I adding game entities,who can help me? (solved)
Added by molator over 2 years ago
Please create a new post instead of digging an old one :).
Check EGS logs and you will know why EGS is crashing.
Missing icones are probably due to data you changed in the client.