what is this?
Added by Noah-095 almost 4 years ago
(1-junglemousse,12-vasejungle)what is this?
I see it in http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/AddingANewContinent#Creating-A-Veget-3DSMAX-status-tests-finished-writing-docs
In article 8 of the <Creating A Tile Bank (tile_edit_r | 3DSMAX)>:
8. Navigate to C:\Database\Landscape\_texture_tiles\jungle And open the contents of 1-junglemousse,12-vasejungle,displace and Transitions\ AlphaNoiseA in Photoshop (You can also use Gimp if you like).
Replies (2)
RE: what is this?
Added by molator almost 4 years ago
I don't know if that wiki is complete.
1-junglemousse and 12-vasejungle are asset folders from ryzom_assets\Landscape\_texture_Tiles\jungle
If the question was what the meaning of those names, you will find many french words in ryzom core.
You will find the reason here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryzom
junglemousse => jungle moss
vasejungle => jungle mud
RE: what is this?
Added by Noah-095 almost 4 years ago
Thank you for your help!
I want to find the file file of them,because I want use the tile_edit.exe to create a .bank file.
But the file which I create can not work normal work! When I use it replace the bank.bank in snowballs2\client\data\tiles,
Then I observe that the ground nearly is arrow!