options for .shape export??
Added by siredblood almost 4 years ago
Ive been reading.... its my understanding, .shape is the only format supported for this engine code?
If so, what out the .shape export options... only via Max? .... and only on 32 bit system?
If no, then what are the other formats supported?
Replies (5)
RE: options for .shape export??
Added by sfb almost 4 years ago
We've been seeking someone interested in building a Blender exporter. The engine reads its own native formats and requires that a tool write the file in this format. I wouldn't say that it only works on 32bit systems - I'm personally running 32bit MAX on a 64bit OS. It is just that the exporter has not been tested on a 64bit MAX installation.
Since before Ryzom Core was released (back when only NeL was available) we've been seeking help on a Blender exporter. It's on the wishlist there's just no one involved in the project that knows enough about both NeL and Blender to accomplish this.
RE: options for .shape export??
Added by siredblood almost 4 years ago
Thanks for the reply, the 64 bit Max cant read the plugin, im pretty sure i followed the directions correctly, as Max reads the file... then it gives me an error, not supported.
32bit Max on 64bit OS ..... your able to export .shape correctly?
Thank you for your time!
RE: options for .shape export??
Added by stproject over 3 years ago
Hi - we've using Ryzom Open Source to build our project for the past 6 months (thank you so much for putting it out there), but we're another one that won't be able to access Max due to the cost..our project is part educational, part hobby, just me and the younger generation learning how things work and seeing how far we can go. Future coders are at work in here - also future designers and artists who need their work to be integrated in what we are doing.
We've reached a point now where we want to start some serious work on the graphics. I wish we could help you to code this but although we know some things, we aren't up to that standard (yet). I have a feeling we aren't the only ones that will get stuck at this point. Any information would be welcome - I'm planning for us to investigate Blender, but was wondering if we should be looking at Collada too - in the hopes that one day we can use our own assets with Ryzom Core. The alternative is to start working with aother game engine, but we like this one!
Thanks, & I'll be watching the forums like a hawk to see if there is any progress on this one
head dev, (hahaha) Project Sticky Tape :)
RE: options for .shape export??
Added by saleena over 3 years ago
We've reached a point now where we want to start some serious work on the graphics. I wish we could help you to code this but although we know some things, we aren't up to that standard . I have a feeling we aren't the only ones that will get stuck at this point. Any information would be welcome - I'm planning for us to investigate Blender, but was wondering if we should be looking at Collada too in the hopes that one day we can use our own assets with Ryzom Core.
RE: options for .shape export??
Added by molator over 3 years ago
Collada doesn't support all the specifications of 3dsmax format.
You would have to add the missing data as user specific data.
The best approach would be to code a blender nel plugin.
But that's a tough task.