A few questions..

Added by crzyone9584 over 3 years ago

Well I was able to compile the files with cmake after fixing some errors mostly path issues. I'm attempting to build/debug the project with Visual Studio 2010 Professional. So far so good. Anywho to my questions. I've been looking at http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/index and was wondering if most of those pages could still be considered up-to-date so i could follow them to learn how to use Ryzom. Also I was trying to find a page with a list of which project actually does what. I just used what ever was default selection in CMake which was like 139 projects in visual studios. I would really like to start out with easier which would most likely be editing the character creation system. I have that all mapped out and I'm not sure which project to mess with for characters/character creation/races/classes. Any suggestions on where to start looking would be great!

Edit after a nice long time of compiling I only have one error...

Error    16    error LNK1168: cannot open J:\ryzom\build\bin\Debug\nl_sample_ls_fes.exe for writing    J:\ryzom\build\nel\samples\net\login_system\LINK    nl_sample_ls_fes

any clues on this one? I have like 18 warnings but im not worried about those.