[SOLVED]Patch server error

Added by rom74 over 3 years ago

Hi everybody,
i follow this tuto PatchGen but when my client connect i take this :
Checking file ended with errors : curl download failed: (ec 0 7).
The client was build without Final_Version and with sltport.

I seen that there are a patch_gen_service.exe in my release bin but no config file was found. It's the patch server???

Thanks a lot for your reply

Replies (4)

RE: Patch server error - Added by nimetu over 3 years ago

rom74 wrote:

Hi everybody,
i follow this tuto PatchGen but when my client connect i take this :
Checking file ended with errors : curl download failed: (ec 0 7).

Check your webserver error logs.You can see which file failed and where did game expected it to be or if game tried to access your server in the first place.

RE: Patch server error - Added by rom74 over 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply,
there no entrie in the apache log i only have - - [11/Nov/2011:00:04:26 +0100] "GET /login/r2_login.php?cmd=ask&login=test&lg=en" 200 4 "-" "-" - - [11/Nov/2011:00:04:26 +0100] "GET /login/r2_login.php?cmd=login&login=test&password=AAW6rxDhBN6eQ&clientApplication=ryzom_open&cp=1&lg=en" 200 141 "-" "-"

this is my client_default.cfg
Application = { "ryzom_open", "./ryzom_client_r.exe", "./" };
BackgroundDownloader = 0;
PatchServer = "";
PatchWanted = 1;
SignUpURL = "";
StartupHost = "";
StartupPage = "/login/r2_login.php";
InstallStatsUrl = "";
CreateAccountURL = "";
InstallWebPage = "";

I can access with my browser to the patch directorie.
I don't understand.


[SOLVED] Patch server error - Added by rom74 over 3 years ago

I have solved my problem...
Thanks for your help.
It was a stupid forget. I have not informed the mysql field patch_urls in the nel domain (it was not write in the wiki).

Thanks a lot and sorry for my double post

RE: [SOLVED]Patch server error - Added by molator over 3 years ago

Feel free to add it to the wiki.
