Who can tell me how to use the ig_lighter?

Added by wangxuan2730 over 3 years ago

How to use the ig_lighter of the tool in NeL, and what's the ig_lighter?????

Replies (3)

RE: Who can tell me how to use the ig_lighter? - Added by kaetemi over 3 years ago

You don't. You use the build pipeline.
The ig lighter generates lightmaps for your ig depending on your continent settings.

RE: Who can tell me how to use the ig_lighter? - Added by wangxuan2730 over 3 years ago

OK, thanks for your answer.

RE: Who can tell me how to use the ig_lighter? - Added by wangxuan2730 over 3 years ago

Another, So what's the lightmaps? Is it the texture of the shape? can the lightmaps light the landscape??

If you know, please answer me soon,  thanks first...
