Bad graphical resolution when leaving the game.

Added by Brunus almost 5 years ago


First of all, the linux client is working very well for an alpha state app ;-)

When I'm leaving the game, my desktop (Gnome) is switched to the game resolution, while my initial resolution is much more important than the one I use ingame, and to recover my default rez, I need to quite my session and to login again.
Not a big problem, I'm just notifying it.

By for now and many thanks to all the dev team !

Replies (5)

RE: Bad graphical resolution when leaving the game. - Added by nimetu almost 5 years ago

no need to restart X session to restore screen mode
running 'xrandr -s 1680x1050' in terminal will do the trick if using 1680x1050 resolution

RE: Bad graphical resolution when leaving the game. - Added by kervala almost 5 years ago

How did you quit the client ? click on the close X button or in game quit button.

Normally, when existing the correct way, it restores your original resolution.

RE: Bad graphical resolution when leaving the game. - Added by Brunus almost 5 years ago

I'm exiting the game using the ingame button "quit" and by confirmating to quit.

Sorry I did not realize than "demandes" was the bug board...I will post there next time.

RE: Bad graphical resolution when leaving the game. - Added by kervala almost 5 years ago

Please could you search for "XRandR" in log.log file or see if something failed in this log ?

RE: Bad graphical resolution when leaving the game. - Added by Brunus almost 5 years ago

Yes, there is lines relative to XRandR :

2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1568 getModes : 3D: 16 available XRandR modes:
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 0: 1440x900
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 1: 1360x768
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 2: 1152x864
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 3: 1024x768
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 4: 960x600
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 5: 960x540
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 6: 840x525
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 7: 832x624
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 8: 800x600
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 9: 720x450
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 10: 700x525
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 11: 680x384
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 12: 640x480
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 13: 512x384
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 14: 400x300
2010/08/02 22:48:22 DBG 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 1579 getModes : 3D: Mode 15: 320x240
22010/08/02 22:48:22 WRN 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 2419 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
2010/08/02 22:48:28 WRN 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 2419 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
2010/08/02 22:48:28 WRN 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 2419 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
2010/08/02 22:48:28 WRN 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 2419 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
2010/08/02 22:48:28 WRN 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 2419 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
2010/08/02 22:48:28 WRN 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 2419 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
2010/08/02 22:48:28 WRN 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 2419 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
2010/08/02 22:48:29 WRN 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 2419 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
2010/08/02 22:48:29 WRN 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 2419 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
2010/08/02 22:48:32 WRN 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 2419 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
2010/08/02 22:48:34 WRN 4123117840 <Unknown> driver_opengl_window.cpp 2419 setMonitorColorProperties : CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented
