Honorable mention of ryzom on heise.de - congrats!

Added by ragnar-gd over 4 years ago


on of my fav online media, heise.de, wrote two very positive articles about ryzom having one of the first native linux clients:

Main: http://www.heise.de/open/artikel/Die-Woche-Wettbewerbsvorteil-Open-Source-1150693.html
Short: http://www.heise.de/open/meldung/Freier-Linux-Client-fuer-Online-Game-Ryzom-erschienen-1145280.html

Yay, at least some honour for all the devs and supporters who made that possible! :-)

P.S.: Sorry, only in german. Google translator produces funny results, but you might get an idea ... :)

P.P.S.: The article suggests, as the client is "free enough", to offer it to the main linux-distros to include it by default. Can't say, but might be worth a try - Winchgate, do you listen? :-)

Ragnar G.D.