RP profiles - readout using the forums
Added by SirCotare over 3 years ago
Since the API currently does not give out RP profiles, there might be another way to retrieve them...
First of all, I'd like to say, that this way of gathering the information is not intended and I'd not suggest to use it unless having an OK from the DEVs.
The Ryzom forums allow logged in players to view any other player's RP profile. That information can easily be parsed by a script. On the Armory eg. it would be no problem to automatically read out the data for any character using my personal login on the forums.
Reading the Terms of Use, I found no clause that'd prevent such an action but still it is not the intended way and I'd rather not do so unless permission is granted.
Clarification on that topic would be nice.
Yours Cotare
Replies (2)
RE: RP profiles - readout using the forums
Added by nimetu over 3 years ago
I don't think teaching app_profile to output xml and accessing it directly would be best.
RP profile should have it's own script under /api for that
RE: RP profiles - readout using the forums
Added by SirCotare over 3 years ago
Actually I was thinking of some CURL querying the forum's profiles to bypass the API. Since the API does not report RP profiles, I figured that's the only way.