Character/Item attribute "in_sell_since" problem

Added by Lycidas almost 6 years ago


the attribute "in_sell_since" is not commented in the API yet, but it seems somehow to contain a server tick.

But it seems not for the correct server...

My Item in store on leanon:
<item c="6" q="127" w="1.61" hp="203" dur="203" hpb="63" dm="1" pf="8" msp="73" mbp="98" mpp="112" e="c" price="8290" in_sell_since="1251434983" continent="tryker">ictalb_2.sitem</item>

SellTick: 1.251.434.983
Actual Server Tick: 1.464.120.793 (leanon)

A item is in store for 7 days: 7 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds * 10 = Ticks

That would lead me to the servertick: 1.257.482.983 when it should be sold.
Ingame it still says, that the item is there for another 3 days and X hours.

Where is my calculation wrong, or is the undocumented featuere "in_sell_since" wrong?

Did someone encountered the same problems?

Replies (2)

RE: Character/Item attribute "in_sell_since" problem - Added by nimetu almost 6 years ago

in_sell_since is real time, not tick.

RE: Character/Item attribute "in_sell_since" problem - Added by Lycidas almost 6 years ago

nimetu wrote:

in_sell_since is real time, not tick.

Ok.. then the returned value is realtime of the server in seconds.
Then there will be no "exact" determination, if a item is really already sold, because the server-time must
not correlate with the time on your system. And the current server-time is not applicable in the API.
Hopefully both system (ryzom-server and client system) are then synchronized via NTP to a common time.
