Bug #1355

Free zone / Guild zone PVP relation code

Added by nimetu almost 4 years ago.

Status:New Start date:09/02/2011
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Target version:-


In game situation:
A enters PVP zone and waits 30second timer to become vulnerable. A then leaves PVP zone, 120sec countdown timer begins.
B sees A before 120sec is up and is able to attack A. A cannot attack B because B is not vulnerable to PVP.

Code responsible to this should be in CPVPFreeZone::getPVPRelation() and CPVPGuildZone::getPVPRelation()

Both functions lack proper check to make sure that both user and target PVP modes match and they simply return Enemy.
if PVP modes do not match, then I think NeutralPVP should be returned.

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